Véronique Le Floc’h, president of Rural Coordination, visiting Lozère: “The fight continues, it is important not to forget anyone”
|Véronique Le Floc’h is a breeder in Finistère. MAXPPP – Vincent MOUCHEL
Véronique Le Floc’h, president of Rural Coordination, is in Lozère, this Tuesday, May 28, 2024. She is participating in an evening in Saint-Bonnet-de-Chirac. Interview.
What is the purpose of your visit to Lozère ?
The goal is to provide Lozère farmers with all the support of Rural Coordination (CR). We are right. The fight must be fought and it will still be long. It will only be successful if everyone buys in. On the side of the roads, we see union members but also many non-union members. The struggle continues. It will only be a success if there are many of us. To do this, the message must pass from one farmer to another so that no one feels alone. I am accompanied by Christian Convers (Secretary General of Rural Coordination, Editor's note). We who speak for the CR, it is important not to forget anyone when we deal with the Ministry of Agriculture, Matignon and the Élysée.
Bio express
Véronique Le Floc’h, 51 years old, is established in organic farming, with her husband, & Elliant (Finistère). They breed Jerseys for their milk and Limousines for their meat. &Elected president on December 7, 2022, Véronique Le Floc’h is the first woman to be elected president on December 7, 2022. occupy this position à Rural Coordination, the second largest agricultural union in France, after having been formed by one. the general secretary. A sportswoman since her youngest years, she has notably been involved in competitions. crowned French cycling champion, in 1988, when she raced under the Finistère colors of the V&elo club Plabennec.
What problems does the department suffer from in particular according to you ?
Lozère, like other southern departments, in addition to experiencing events linked to wildlife such as wolves, is exposed to the issue of climate. Some would like to put the ecological transition even before income imperatives. However, to have farmers, we will have to ensure that the profession remains viable, that we are allowed to work, that we are not crushed with over-regulation that goes well beyond that imposed at European level. We defend family farming, which remains in the hands of real farmers.
"A legacy cannot be sold"
You are talking about the wolf, what is your union's position on this thorny subject ?
Cohabitation is not possible. The wolf depends on the Berne Convention. Many Member States have decided to limit its presence. We, in France, would like to expand its reach and allow it to coexist with humans throughout the territory. Our farms are already affected. What will happen to humans?? Consider that we cannot kill 100 or 200 wolves per year, while allowing cattle, sheep and goats to be killed, this is nonsense.
What are the current priorities of Rural Coordination?
We will focus on the European elections. Agriculture depends entirely on Europe. Farmers are only the adjustment variable to allow other agro-industry exchanges and to bring in materials that we no longer have or do not have not. When we are told about European food sovereignty, protein sovereignty, we do not believe it because when we carefully read the European texts which regulate agriculture, it is clearly written that we are subject to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt, Editor's note) to allow oilseeds and, in particular, soya to enter Europe. It’s been sixty years, but we continue to respect these agreements. Our politicians only believe in a mass productivist system for export in favor of agro-industry. Farmers are the forgotten ones in this whole economy.
Your organization is often presented as the most hard-line agricultural unions… How do you receive this review ?
It's not hard-line. We are convinced. To be in the Rural Coordination, you have to be. We must weigh the interest in preserving our freedom. Otherwise, it amounts to giving up, to accepting being subject to agro-industry, to the system. Which is accepted in other unions, but not with us. We consider that we exercise an independent profession, often passed down from generation to generation. A heritage cannot be sold off.
This Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 8 p.m., at Damien Bouquet's, lieu-dit Bruel Esclanèdes, route de la Cime, Saint-Bonnet-de-Chirac,< /em> evening with Véronique Le Floc’h, president of Rural Coordination. Open to all farmers in Lozère. I subscribe to read more