VIDEOS. Valentin Marcone sentenced to 30 years for the Plantiers massacre: reactions from the civil parties and the defense
|Les deux compagnes des victimes réagissent après la condamnation de Valentin Marcone. Midi Libre – Michael Esdourrubailh
Valentin Marcone était jugé pour un double assassinat sur la commune des Plantiers, en Cévennes, le 11 mai 2021. Il a été condamné à 30 ans de réclusion criminelle par la cour d'assises du Gard ce lundi 29 janvier.
The verdict has been reached in the case of the killing of Plantiers, a small village in the Cévennes of Gard, where Luc Teissonnière and Martial Guérin were killed in the workplace, at the sawmill.
The accused Valentin Marcone, who had beaten his boss and his work colleague with a semi-automatic pistol and a bullet to the head, believing that they were talking about his dismissal, was found guilty.
Reactions in videos
He was sentenced to 30 years in prison, the maximum penalty. Because premeditation was not accepted. On the other hand, the alteration of his discernment, due to his paranoid delusions, was recorded by the court.
The reaction of Me Nougier, civil party.
The two lawyers of the accused satisfied with a certain leniency.
Note that ten years of socio-judicial monitoring and the ban on possessing a weapon for 15 years are also imposed.