Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

La capelado en présence du groupe “Les demoiselles de Maguelone”. Cyril Daniel

Ce samedi la Section Taurine Villeneuvoise organisait la XIX finale du Trophée de la Vigne et des Etands remporté cette saison par Jérémy Aliaga et Faraoun de la manade Plo. 

Like many races at the end of August, the time sometimes seemed long but the Villeneuvoise Section had pulled out all the stops and, from the capelado to the prize-giving, the good impression prevailed. The 19th Vigne et des Etangs finals were rewarded with 14th Souvenir Gérard-Bouisson, Ziko Katif and Caruso de J.-P. Vitou (3rd); over the season, Faraoun de Plo and Jérémy Aliaga. In the opening, 2 cocardiers from Baumelles put the students from the local raseteurs school to the test while the little kitten Enola from Demoiselles de Maguelone donned the Mireieto headdress. Passion, transmission, it's all there!

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

All in power, Gigolo concludes behind J. Aliaga. Cyril Daniel – Cyril Daniel Gigolo (Michel N.060).- For his jubilee, he once again stands out on stage with big stamps (Katif, Aliaga, Andrieu). Still at ease, he continues with some great series and keeps his strings before a definitive return to the fields of Fangouse. Happy retirement, cocardier! 5 Carmen and return.

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

Impossible for J. Martinez to touch Engane's frontal. Cyril Daniel – Cyril Daniel Engane (Les Baumelles, N.615).- Osmosis with men does not happen. Sometimes, he holds back to take the next raset or fuse. Placed or not, it complicates the game, the strings stay in place. 1 Carmen and return (not essential).

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

Great exchange between Z. Katif and Caruso Cyril Daniel – Cyril Daniel Caruso (J.-P. Vitou, N.801).- He has juice, placement, speed. No one quotes him as « stopped ». The irregular work lets him down but the length with Katif is thrilling, just like the « one-two » Katif – Aliaga. A beautiful series, speeds Castell, follows for the 1st string to Taïeb on the trumpet. 4 Carmen and return.

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

Menacing horns, Gadjo gives behind J. Martinez. Cyril Daniel – Cyril Daniel Gadjo (Plo, N.617).- Angry, throws himself from one raset to the other, pounds the boards, delivers himself at a good pace and can rear up in the finish. Willing and valiant for 12' rhythmic. 6 Carmen and return.

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

Great anticipation of Vegas on Z. Katif. Cyril Daniel – Cyril Daniel Vegas (Cyr, T01).- Not easy, the mayonnaise does not take. With authority, he continues until the ground (Martinez, Katif, Castell), can throw himself, and we must wait until the end of time, for a big vitamin series. 1 string goes in, 5 Carmen and back.

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

Prompt response from Catouli after Z. Katif. Cyril Daniel – Cyril Daniel Catouli (Saumade, N.713).- Authoritarian, watches, starts at the quarter turn and waits on the other side. Rather chauvinistic for this 6th place, he lacks rasets even if he bisque in a series. Strings to the horns, 3 Carmen and back.

Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone: ​​Katif and Caruso take the podium in the Vineyard and Ponds final

T. Andrieu, his eye fixed on Raspail's attribute. Cyril Daniel – Cyril Daniel Raspail (La Galère, N.829, hp, 10').- In motion, jumps, sometimes concluded series… To be reviewed.

Technical Sheet

Race on Saturday, August 31.

Entry: 1/2.

Organizer: Section taurine villeneuvoise

President: Bruno Seguier.

Right-handed razors : Castell, Katif, Taïeb.

Left-handed raseteurs : Aliaga, Andrieu, J. Martinez.

Turners : Jockin, Sabde, Castel.

Trophée de l'Avenir : J. Martinez 14, Andrieu 13.

Trophée Honneur : Castell 3.


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