Volleyball: Arago de Sète in difficulty at the Maximus tournament in Alès

Volleyball: Arago de Sète in difficulty at the Maximus tournament in Alès

Une victoire et deux défaites pour les volleyeurs sétois. – Arago de Sète

The Sète players faced Lausanne, Narbonne and Montpellier on September 13 and 14.

They had gained momentum over the course of the preparation matches, and Narbonne had not been able to deflect them from their trajectory during their last confrontation at the Palais du Travail.

But this weekend, the Sète volleyball players experienced a slight setback. On Alès soil for the Maximus tournament, they had nevertheless started the competition well. Against the Swiss from Lausanne, Luc Marquet's men won by a score of 2-1 despite losing the first set 16-25.

It was on Saturday that things got more complicated. The Centurions from Narbonne took a clear revenge, winning by a score of 3-0. Then it was Montpellier who came to do it again, with a victory by a score of 2-1.

Nothing to worry about, however, Arago is in the preparation phase and therefore making adjustments. Next meeting, these 20 and 21 September in Narbonne for the Grand Sud tournament, with the locals, Toulouse and Cannes.

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