Water polo: the Sétois did the job in Nice

Water polo: the Sétois did the job in Nice

Good operation for Lopinot and his family. FREE NOON – Jérôme Belluire

Winners 9-12 this Saturday March 30, Olivier Chandieu's men consolidate their sixth place.

In the costume of the favorites, the Sète polo players did – almost – not tremble this Saturday on the Côte d’Azur. Facing a Nice team which occupies the penultimate place in the standings, they quickly took the lead with two goals from Van Den Burg, arriving at the break with a score of 3-7.

It was harder during the third period, with the locals clearly not ready to lay down their arms. The attack suffered a clear decline and, at the start of the fourth quarter, Nice was back at 8-9. Fortunately, Sète Natation recovered at the right time and finished the match in style, notably with three goals from Dentro.

Montpellier having lost at home to Reims, the Sétois therefore consolidate their sixth place.

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