Waterworks runs an entire week dedicated to water and agriculture

Waterworks runs an entire week dedicated to water and agriculture

Les coprésidents avec les intervenants de la première conférence ce lundi 14 octobre ML – ALAIN MENDEZ

L'association propose conférences, ateliers, films, tables rondes… tous les jours jusqu’au 19 octobre.

The opening took place on Monday, October 14 in Lodève with an overview of the situation with the conference Water, a common good, water a limited resource: where are we in our territory ? with Christophe Vivier, director of the public establishment of the Bassion du Fleuve Hérault and Arnaud Le Beuze, head of the environment and sustainable development pole of Lodévois Larzac. The event continued yesterday in Saint-Privat around Water, vines, climate change with in particular the winemaker president of the AOP Terrasses du Larzac Sébastien Fillon. This Wednesday 16th, a day of Larzac farmers facing climate change co-organized with the CPIE des Causses Méridionaux is taking place in Caylar and Saint-Maurice Navacelles with conferences and visits to a farm…

The second water week set up by Œuvre d'eau is in full swing with conferences, films, round tables, open to all until October 19 on the theme: Water and agriculture.

Inform, raise awareness

“The association aims to protect and enhance rivers through concrete and local citizen actions, summarizes Anne-Laure Vigouroux, one of its co-presidents. “At the start in 2016 there were regular cleanups of banks in Lodève where we are lucky to have two rivers. This was followed by activities, workshops, training to raise awareness among schoolchildren and the general public, for example with the event Rivières en fête." And since last year this Water Week.

“With its volunteers, Œuvre d’eau defends the environment and popular education, confirms the co-president Jean-Claude Rossignol who initiated this meeting. Last year we focused it on governance. Water is a common good, to take care of it, to share it, you need to have the right information."

To be continued Friday 18, Vegetable gardens, how to manage the water shortage at the Jardin des berges de Lodève with Terre en Partage: Visits and discussions in the morning, shared meal, and workshops at free prices in the afternoonWater management in the vegetable garden and Making chantepleures ; Film debate around The Boxer's Theory , documentary by Nathanaël Coste at 8:30 p.m. at the Lutéva cinema (5 €).
Saturday 19, closing in Lodève: Ciné goûter Au fil de l’eau around the screening of 5 animated films at the Lutéva (5 €/4 € for – 14 year olds); Round table Water and agriculture: what links tomorrow ? at 5:30 p.m., Bousquet room; Film debate France terre sauvage: eau vive, documentary by Nicos Argillet at 8:30 p.m. at Lutéva (5 €).

Also note the conference Preserving the resource, the agroforestry approach in market gardening on living soils, this Thursday, October 17 with Denis Florès (SCOP Agroof), Bousquet room in Lodève at 6 p.m.

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