“We are an essential cog in home care”: liberal nurses at a forum in Nîmes on June 11 and 12

“We are an essential cog in home care”: liberal nurses at a forum in Nîmes on June 11 and 12

“We are an essential cog in home care”: liberal nurses at a forum in Nîmes on June 11 and 12

Daniel Guillerm, président national de la FNI.

The National Federation of Nurses (FNI), the majority union which represents nearly 10% of the profession, is organizing its third forum in Nîmes on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12 at Atria. Immerse yourself in a rapidly changing profession.

"On a daily basis, we are quite alone, we all have our noses in the handlebars! This third forum organized in Nîmes allows us to compare our practices, share our experiences and our questions",explains Daniel Guillerm, national president of the FNI. Round tables, conferences, workshops, for two days, nearly 300 liberal nurses will debate the development of digital technology in health around a crucial question "Va-t- he takes us away from our patients ? "

"The last to come home"

But the arrival of digital technology in practices is only one of the facets of a profession in full transformation, while medical desertification makes the  place of nurses, their mission and their essential proximity. liberal nurses to take over. We are the last to go to patients' homes", insists Daniel Guillerm.

“We are an essential cog in home care”: liberal nurses at a forum in Nîmes on June 11 and 12

Liberal nurse: “Preserve the relationship of trust with the patient”. Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART

For around ten years, the workforce in the profession has increased by 4% to 5% each year – there are a little over 130,000 liberal nurses in France –"but, after Covid, with the Ségur de la santé which has revalued the profession in the hospital, we sense a drop in interest for the liberal", < /em> observes Daniel Guillerm.

A profession that is 82% female

Practices have however changed to "better manage the constraint of continuity of care, we support cancers, end of life, dependent elderly people&hellip ;". As with the country doctor in the past, isolated practice with long working days is increasingly marginal; today, the majority of nurses work in groups. "A criterion of attractiveness for organizing your time in a profession that is 82% female", estimates Daniel Guillerm.

“Digital optimizes patient monitoring”

After years at the hospital, "often spent managing the unmanageable as an executive", Mattthieu Reynet, 46 years old, chose liberal practice "to reconnect with patients". In the office with two other nurses, he makes 35 to 40 visits per day… but ten days a month. "Sometimes, we spend ten minutes three times during the day to take medication, this prevents the patient from forgetting, decompensating and ending up in the hospital , other times we stay 45 minutes for a wash or complex treatment". The contribution of digital technology, he is convinced, "I'm a bit of a geek, it's true", s& rsquo;he laughs. No more liaison notebook left at the patient's home or WhatsApp groups, "everything is in shared software". And accompanied teleconsultation streamlines access to doctors for urgent questions. " For example, the CicatOccitanie network allows me, after agreement from the attending physician, to do a video with the patient and a wound expert who can directly send a care protocol." He still cites this diabetic patient whom he follows daily by video for her insulin doses. "She can even go on vacation and join me wherever she is."

"We are very attached to the human relationship with the patient, that must remain the essence of our profession", summarizes Daniel Guillerm. However, digital technology has undoubtedly streamlined the administrative part of the work. Health Insurance is implementing e-prescription with a QR code "because there are a lot of fakes and trafficking. For us, this is undoubtedly a paradigm shift in the coming months. With an average age of 43, the profession must appropriate these new tools", he explains.

Do more prevention

The time saved thanks to digital technology should make it possible to "enhance the relationship with patients and free up time for prevention", explains Daniel Guillerm. He assures: "The liberal nurses of tomorrow will be the major players in prevention because doctors no longer have the time. Vaccinations, addiction prevention, cardiovascular diseases… add to their missions. "We are an essential cog in health".

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