“We can be proud”: behind the scenes of bluefin tuna fishing revealed in the documentary “Pêcheur 2.0”

“We can be proud”: behind the scenes of bluefin tuna fishing revealed in the documentary “Pêcheur 2.0”

Le Sétois Jean-Gérald Lubrano est à l'origine du projet documentaire. Julien Mata

Embarked on bluefin tuna fishing campaigns since he was 13, today secretary general of the Levant maritime cooperative, Sétois Jean-Gérald Lubrano reveals the challenges
from the documentary “Pêcheurs 2.0”.

This Thursday, you are presenting for the first time in Occitania the film Pêcheur 2.0, an immersion with the fishermen of Mediterranean bluefin tuna. How was this project born ?

The idea of ​​a documentary film emerged a few years ago, with the aim of explaining to the general public what our job really is today. #39;today. And all the way he has traveled over the past ten years to achieve a balance between profitability and protection of fisheries resources. It's a real revolution that we have carried out, during which the fisherman found himself on the front line to preserve bluefin tuna stocks. We are proud of what we have done, we now had to talk about it beyond our profession.

So you had sailors and a film crew live together on the boats…

It wasn't the easiest! Particularly to get the idea accepted by fishermen who are not familiar with this type of # 39;initiatives. The profession has long been stigmatized, but we must come out of “living hidden.” We launched the project 4 years ago. Julien Mata, the director, embarked with us on three fishing campaigns and succeeded in anchoring the film around humans. Our work has often been summed up in figures and quotas, and now we had to show the people and their stories.

A documentary already praised by the profession

Pêcheurs 2.0 was é project for the first time last September & Nice, à on the occasion of the Fishing Conference, then in November & Nantes at the Conference on the Economy of the Sea. "We have to This occasion receives the congratulations of the Secretary of State & fishing Hervé Berville. And now ? Waiting to be broadcast on the Singuli&Egrave Island, the documentary is in competition in the official selection of the "PêPecheurs du Monde& quot; from Lorient. Verdict next March.

Long blamed, should bluefin tuna fishing today serve as an example ?

I am convinced of it. Firstly because today we are the most controlled fishery and we have acquired expertise in preserving the resource. Thanks to the seine technique, we do not fish, we collect surgically in order to have a minimum impact on the marine environment. If we have to work throughout the year to succeed in our fishing campaign, the action at sea now comes down to around ten days!

We also do not forget that fifteen years ago, bluefin tuna fishermen were plunged into crisis. Crisis which still impacts many fisheries today, particularly trawlers. With this film, and the sector plan that results from it, we want to give perspectives to other sectors. Using our experience…

What does the title refer to, "Fisherman 2.0″ ?

It has a double meaning for me. The first is that our fishery has become extremely innovative, with boats that feature cutting-edge technologies and work that is done in collaboration with scientists. But it is also the idea that the fisherman must now be part of his time. Today's professional is aware of environmental issues and he agrees to communicate with the public because he has nothing to hide. On this last point, current events prove us right…

Why ?

While farmers are mobilizing to raise awareness about their situation, a large proportion of French people are interested in what they put on their plate and want to get closer to those who feed them. Fishermen are one of them. This film is also a proposed response to the debate on France's food sovereignty.

This is the area where future battles will take place ?

Like on a boat, we must always stay alert and not let up our efforts. In France, there is still a lack of fattening farms (the bluefin tuna is captured alive then taken to these marine farms, Editor's note) which exist among our European neighbors. The sector must continue to develop so that France does not remain on the sidelines of the bluefin tuna issue on the international scene.

The documentary film Pêcheur 2.0 is screened this Thursday, January 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Planète Océan aquarium in Montpellier, followed by of a debate. It will also be visible during Stopover in Sète, from March 26 to April 1. I subscribe to read more

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