“We see the degree of amateurism”: Marine Tondelier reacts to Gabriel Attal’s general policy speech

“We see the degree of amateurism”: Marine Tondelier reacts to Gabriel Attal’s general policy speech

Marine Tondelier, secrétaire nationale du parti EELV. MAXPPP – Julien Mattia/Le Pictorium

La secrétaire nationale du parti Europe Ecologie Les Verts réagit au discours de politique générale de Gabriel Attal et s'exprime sur la crise du monde paysan. Marine Tondelier estime que le gouvernement tente d'opposer agriculteurs et écologistes. Entretien.

How do you react to Gabriel Attal's speech ?

We see that he has no interest in environmental issues and a total incomprehension of social issues.

The Prime Minister was expected to address the issue, in particular, of ecological planning…

He welcomed the drop in greenhouse gas emissions, the reality is that his figure does not include all sectors and that this drop is cyclical, caused by a mild winter and the energy crisis. We see the degree of amateurism.

What does the claimed pro-nuclear line inspire you??

It's making people believe that we have a solution to all our problems when we know that it won't arrive in time and won't will not be resilient in the face of the risks we will face with climate change.

Gabriel Attal pointed out the pile-up of standards, do you understand the farmers who say they are in particular asphyxiated by environmental rules ?

I understand their anger, but I don’they say they are just asphyxiated by environmental standards, their main problem is their income.

In one year, the price at which they sell their production has fallen by 9%. And the price at which we buy products has increased by 8%. In the middle, it is the margins of the food industry and mass distribution which have increased by 80%. We are all turkeys in the same joke: consumers should join farmers on the barricades.

Today, 18% of farmers live below the poverty line, even though they work 70 hours a week. Obviously, in this context, every additional thing you ask of the profession is in principle unacceptable.

But I refuse to think that these are demonstrations against ecology. Farmers and environmentalists are leading a number of common struggles, against free trade treaties, against the grabbing and artificialization of agricultural land, to put quality local products in canteens…

And 84% of EELV supporters support these demonstrations. They wouldn't do it if it were demonstrations against them, obviously!

There are also points of divergence, on the question of the disposal of pesticides, for example. Do you approve of the end of the increase in taxation of non-road diesel (GNR) ?

Green taxation is designed to encourage people to change this behavior. But farmers have no alternative to GNR, for the moment, so it was unfair. Ecology, without social justice, cannot work.

You would also be in favor of a relaxation of the European green deal ?

If we do not protect ecology, soil, water, we do not protect farmers. This means having the wrong opponent. We will be particularly attentive to this.

Moreover Gabriel Attal has already made several concessions to ecology, this has absolutely not calmed the discontent of the farmers, this clearly shows that it was not not the heart of the problem.

There is a desire, according to you, to oppose farmers and environmentalists ?

Yes, when power has no solution, it designates a scapegoat, it's cowardly, it means it doesn't assume its responsibilities .

The left announced on Tuesday the filing of a motion of censure against the government. "This is what our voters are waiting for, deeply shocked by the policies announced by Gabriel Attal", argues Marine Tondelier. I subscribe to read more

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