When the new IGP “Coteaux du Salagou” project matures in the Heart of Hérault

When the new IGP “Coteaux du Salagou” project matures in the Heart of Hérault

The president of the Syndicate of the PGI Hérault coteau du Salagou intends to promote the territory and the products that come from it. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT

When the new IGP “Coteaux du Salagou” project matures in the Heart of Hérault

The president of the Syndicate of the PGI Hérault coteau du Salagou intends to promote the territory and the products that come from it. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT

When the new IGP “Coteaux du Salagou” project matures in the Heart of Hérault

The president of the Syndicate of the PGI Hérault coteau du Salagou intends to promote the territory and the products that come from it. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT

When the new IGP “Coteaux du Salagou” project matures in the Heart of Hérault

When the new IGP “Coteaux du Salagou” project matures in the Heart of Hérault

The president of the Syndicat de l'IGP Hérault coteau du Salagou intends to promote the region and the products that come from it. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT

The IGP Coteau du Salagou is officially on track. Among the winegrowers' union's projects: a bottle made in Occitanie, the No/Low segment or the takeover of the restaurant l'Art de la Flamme, in Mourèze, could offer a great showcase for the Protected Geographical Indication of the sector.

Like a hole in the racket… Certainly, the mention "Coteaux du Salagou&quot exists as a variation of the departmental IGP IGP Pays de l'Hérault, but,“Between Faugères and Terrasses du Larzac, there is a gap in the appellation”, Thomas Verdeil-Bégault decides. The thirty-year-old from Salascois, president of the IGP Hérault Coteaux du Salagou and owner of Domaine Augusta, intends to fill this gap and put Coteaux Salagou back at the center of the game, in an exceptional terroir. A path that the Wine Syndicate of the dedicated PGI, which already includes 17 members: private estates and assembled cooperative cellars*, has been committed to since the beginning of the year. “This is the first time that the Coteaux du Salagou has set up an office,” the president emphasizes. Creating the PGI could take 3 or 4 years, but the process is now underway. “We've done the hardest part: the decision is made! ", with in its sights, "a fully-fledged PGI, with its own specifications".

A strong identity

Thus, on a territory of some 1,500 hectares, including the Grand Site de France Salagou-Mourèze, Villeneuvette and with a wealth of expertise to be dedicated, the objective is to promote a territory and its products. " New estates have been created in this region, offering premium quality wines. And the territory is also marked by the presence of historic producers, who produce wines recognized for their quality. Terroir, geology, know-how, the PGI is therefore marked by a strong identity.

Levers to establish the PGI

And to carry out its project, the Syndicate is multiplying the avenues by counting on a bottle manufactured in Occitanie, in a short circuit, notably using passes whose components are all produced in the Region. " In this respect, discussions have already been undertaken with the company
Ondupack for the boxes, Embouteillage Service for bottling, and Diam
for the corks."
The project to take over the restaurant, l’Art de la Flamme, in Mourèze, is also well advanced. A "recognized house" which could become the showcase of the PGI in a town visited each year by nearly 100,000 people. “The goal is for the products to be presented in this place. This will enhance the PGI and put everyone on an equal footing”, measures Thomas Verdeil-Bégault. On the production side, the NO/Low segment, which translates as “alcohol-free” or with a “low alcohol content” is a serious avenue for outlets stamped Coteaux du Salagou. Finally, the PGI also intends to target the Scandinavian market, particularly Sweden and Norway, a destination likely to offer a certain stability to wine production. From the Cœur d'Hérault to Oslo, there is only one step for the PGI Coteaux du Salagou.

Among the members (non-exhaustive list): Mas Frigoulet, Mas des Chimères, Veuve Michel, Domaine d'Augusta, Château Malmont, Bois Bories… The Clochers et Terroirs cellar in Puilacher, the Cave de Clermont and that of Servian-Boujan. I subscribe to read the rest

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