Wishes under the sign of solidarity for the MP for Montpellier Nathalie Oziol

Wishes under the sign of solidarity for the MP for Montpellier Nathalie Oziol

Nathalie Oziol, ce mercredi soir au Delirium café. Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART

La parlementaire élue de La France insoumise a présenté ses voeux, ce mercredi soir, dans un café de Figuerolles. Sous le signe des solidarités avec le peuple palestinien mais aussi avec les réfugiés et migrants visés par la loi "Asile et immigration".

It was in the simple and intimate setting of the Delirium café, a few steps from its office in Figuerolles that the rebellious MP Nathalie Oziol presented her wishes this Wednesday evening.

Solidarity and offensive

A necessary exercise that the Montpellier parliamentarian wanted to place under the sign of solidarity, in particular by inviting to her side, in addition to her deputy René Revol, the leaders of the Cop1 association which fights against precariousness student and Jean-Paul Vogel, active activist for migrant rights. Because "we are going to have to mobilize around everything that creates cohesion" launched in the preamble Nathalie Oziol according to which, the vote on the Asylum and Immigration law in December, followed by of the intervention of the Head of State on Tuesday evening illustrate " the collapse of macronia but also the weakening of the most fragile.

A policy that the elected representative from Montpellier intends to fight step by step through her commitment to Onet employees, undocumented immigrants, the homeless and the "people Palestinian".

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