With its biscuit factory, L’Épicurien takes a new step and expands its range of tastes

With its biscuit factory, L’Épicurien takes a new step and expands its range of tastes

Xavier et Benoît Gandon ont reçu et présenté leur projet au maire du Bosc Jérôme Valat et au sous-préfet Eric Suzanne. Midi Libre – A.M.

Avec le déménagement du service Ordures Ménagères, l’artisan confiturier installé au Bosc va acquérir le bâtiment de l’intercommunalité voisin pour s’agrandir. Et y développer sa nouvelle activité.

As part of its development, l’Épicurien, located in the Méridienne du Bosc area south of Lodève, is diversifying its productions and needs space. The artisanal company is indeed launching into the biscuit industry with a unit that it hopes to install in 2024 in the household waste service building of the community of communes, neighbors expected to move. And that the jam maker is in the process of acquiring.

An urgent need to develop the activity

"In our areas of development, we wanted a sector where we are producers. We launched the biscuit factory last school year, before the holidays in our current premises. It is a little cramped at the moment, with a production line and cooking in the same place, explain Xavier and Benoît Gandon who have taken over 2016 the family business created by their uncle. We have made our first investments. But today, we need space to take a step forward and expand our business."

With the opportunity to acquire neighboring land of 600 m² and stay in Lodévois.

The mayor and the sub-prefect in support of a society of excellence

Under the Artisan du Gout brand, L’Épicurien creates and markets in its Héraultais du Bosc workshop around a hundred references in jams and spreads for delicatessens, local boutiques and internationally for a turnover of 6 M€.

"We have a company of excellence like few others in our country. We must do everything to keep it and facilitate its development by reducing administrative time and the time of elected officials which are not the same as that of companies." insists Jérôme Valat, the mayor of Bosc who came to meet the bosses with the sub-prefect last week.

" We need to help the project of a company that strives to create value, develop knowledge -make and produce good products." confirms Éric Suzanne on the same wavelength.

"This makes sense for us and for our loyal employees who live in the region, are attached to it and uphold the company's values, adds Benoît whose company today employs 28 people.The extension will create two production lines, cooking and storage spaces. To repackage our products to also develop in the market of food service professionals, while keeping the manual and artisanal sector which is our base."

With its biscuit factory, L’Épicurien takes a new step and expands its range of tastes

Business leaders Xavier and Benoît Gandon took over the company created by their uncle in 20216. Free Midday – A.M.

It will also make it possible to replace the small store with a show room of 80 m² to showcase the products and offer entertainment."There are plenty of things to invent as long as we have space. This new building is crucial and urgent for us." insists Xavier.

Artisan of taste… and biscuit

The managers have already recruited pastry chef Chloé Gonzalez to manage the new activity and design a range of products, sweet and savory, which will be added to the jams and other spreads labeled Artisan du Gout, under the Artisan du biscuit brand.

"She had developed her biscuit concept, we asked her to join us and the collaboration began in July, indicate managers. Chloé arrived with her know-how, a lot of experience. She immediately created six references plus a special Christmas range."

With four to five hires for this new production and the prospect of doubling turnover.

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