Women's rights: for these high school girls from Montpellier, “girls and boys are not on the same starting line in life!”
|Madeline et Elisa, lycéennes, en compagnie de la déléguée académique à la vie des lycées et des collèges, Caroline Roullier. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART
The measures taken have not yet resulted in equality of educational opportunities between girls and boys. Most high school students say they choose their orientation according to their desires. But… the prejudices are made of concrete and their deconstruction is very strong. An overview of Montpellier high school girls who have not chosen so-called “feminine” paths, on the eve of March 8, International Women's Rights Day.
They are still few in number in scientific and digital professions.
The main reasons for this low proportion of women in these sectors are largely due to gender stereotypes, which are also the result of prejudices in education. "Changing the image means changing representations among families, in particular", points out Laurent Arbault, headmaster of Jean Mermoz technical high school, two thirds of which are male. These continue to play a big role in the choice of a profession and the imbalance is felt in certain series of the baccalaureate, including STI2D (sciences and technologies of industry and of sustainable development) where there are 91% of boys in final year in the Montpellier academy.
90% boys in maths-NSI
The choice of specialties in general first year says just as much: 83% of boys in engineering sciences, 81% in digital, 69% in sports culture, etc. Girls opting more often for teaching humanities, history-geography and languages-literatures. In "doublettes" (double specialties) of the 9000 students in maths-NSI (digital and computer sciences), there are only 10% girls. A drop of water in an ocean of figures where we are still looking for progress. Professionally, hairdressing, health, clothing remain popular with girls. Boys turning to mechanics, electricity, metallurgy or transport.
Girls "in gender minorities"
Madeline is en "gender minority". In terminal STI2D which has 8% girls in the academy, "by choice, because I aims for a BUT" (ex DUT, editor's note). She is drowned with a comrade in the male squad, what they are experiencing "super good, we are a bit their darlings", they laugh. "Now you're a man", they sometimes say to Madeline, " I take it as a joke, it’s misplaced humor. We put them back in place gently, that's the advantage of boys, we settle directly, without resentment or hypocrisy like between girls!". D& #39;one prejudice against another, we gain our place, we let go, "nothing nasty!", certainly, but remarks that we hoped to never hear again in 2024 !
Boys "far too present" orally!
Immersed in inclusion of their own free will, these young girls define themselves above all as "citizens", "beings humans", thus Valentine, in 1st digital systems at Lycée Champollion. "I interact as much as I can in class, I'm hardworking and I have excellent results. The rest doesn't matter to me. The rest, she arranges, "by separating personal life and school life, that's the secret to not undergo". Later, she would see herself "at the national assembly to speak, to be a citizen and to vote for laws", believing that " the boys are far too present orally!".
Teachers who pamper too much
"I took the digital option in second grade and I'm one of the only girls", explains Sherine, 16 years old. If she could, "she would ensure that nothing slows down a woman's progress in her professional life". On a daily basis, the approach of teachers is not always up to par, "they pamper us too much and repeat that girls are more intelligent, organized, but it's working against us, the pressure is mounting and the boys are no longer making any effort!".
"It's all in your head!"
For the principal of Mermoz, "we are trying to move the lines in the long term". The high school, ( as well as 33 others), obtained a label awarded by the Academy for its commitment to gender equality, via "exhibitions, conferences, actions, etc. We are in a society where the patriarchal model is still present. Our judo, rugby and handball sports sections are one solution among others for diversity. This one is very integrated! Girls have their place here.
In the opinion of all high school girls, March 8, "is important to give visibility to women". "We are not on the same starting line in life. We're not muscular like boys, that's obvious, they illustrate, "but nothing is impossible! It's all in your head!, concludes Madeline.
René Goinguenet, referent for gender equality at Joffre high school
What is your role?
We are three referents, and soon to be four. Two in the scientific field, two in literature, in preparatory and second cycle, for 2800 students in all.
What are the differences between second cycle and prepas ?
There is less diversity in prep classes, with scientists being predominantly male. Competition is very present in view of the competition for a major school. And this can lead to problems with stereotyping.
What are you working on?
We developed statistics: are teachers' sanctions or class representative elections gendered?? We realized that teachers were sometimes less virulent on their assessments. They would be more fragile! An example…
How are equality and problems of sexism evolving in Joffre ?
At Joffre, we have mostly very open students. We rarely hear sexist remarks in the corridors. Are we evolving? It's emptying the sea with a teaspoon given the explosion of sexism on social networks. Our actions are difficult to quantify, the impact will be seen over time. There are between 30 and 40 actions initiated by teachers on this theme, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, etc.
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