Works of art in the port of Sète: the expert has delivered his verdict on the value of the goods
|La douane avait intercepté la marchandise dans le port de Sète. Midi Libre – Thomas Ancona-Léger
Suite à la confiscation par les douanes d’œuvres d’art non déclarées dans le port de Sète en juillet dernier, une expertise a été menée pour connaître la valeur de cette marchandise.
There is news in the case of art objects intercepted by Sète customs. As a reminder, on July 10, the customs services of the port of Sète got their hands on eight paintings by masters, a statue and an old sword that were transiting without supporting documents in a van coming from Morocco. Questioned by the nature of this unusual merchandise, the agents then proceeded to consign them pending an expert appraisal.
A value of 35,000 euros
According to our information, if the ownership of the recipient could be established for most of the works, the expert appraisal concluded that they “did not meet the legal definition of cultural property”. According to the latter, the value of these objects is nevertheless estimated at 35,000 euros. As a result, customs have carried out a “procedure taking into account the non-declaration of these goods at the border”, a source close to the case said. A fine will also be imposed, the amount of which has not yet been notified.
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