Worrying disappearance of Jade, 13 years old: her mother's call for help, no news from the Gard teenager for a month

Worrying disappearance of Jade, 13 years old: her mother's call for help, no news from the Gard teenager for a month

La jeune Jade, 13 ans, n'a pas donné de nouvelles à sa famille depuis le 10 janvier.

Jade, aged 13, has been missing since January 10 in Nîmes. She was reportedly seen in Marseille in the middle of the week, accompanied by “malicious people”.

"Contact me if you have any information please. I'm very unwell, I'm very scared, I absolutely want to find my daughter." On the networks, the mother's cry of pain  of Jade, 13 years old, has been relayed hundreds and hundreds of times.

But she still remains, this Sunday, February 4, without news of her daughter, who has run away since last January 10 in Nîmes.

Originally from Saint-Mamert

The young Jade, originally from Saint-Mamert in the Gard and educated in 5th grade at the Saint-Geniès-de-Malgoirès college, was however seen in Marseille in the middle of the week, with "malicious people"