Wrongly convinced of having cancer: a healthy student commits suicide “rather than face an incurable illness”

Wrongly convinced of having cancer: a healthy student commits suicide “rather than face an incurable illness”

Un étudiant qui pensait à tort d'avoir un cancer, se suicide. (illustration) MAXPPP – Sebastien JARRY

On September 20, a student at the University of York in England committed suicide, wrongly believing he had very serious bowel cancer. advance.

His name was Charles Henry Johnson and he was 18 years old. This student from the University of York, located in the north of England, was found dead in his room in September 2023 when he arrived to study, reports' ;nbsp;the Daily Mail. If this affair comes to light, it is following the discovery of the young person's notes, which specify the reasons for his action.

It "was not possible to survive"

The investigations were able to quickly establish that Charles Henry Johnson had killed himself by suffocation, specifies the DH net . The student, who had just arrived at the English university, had not even bothered to unpack his belongings or even meet his new roommates.

The investigation into this death continues. The British media indicates that written notes from the young man were found in his room where he talks about his state of health. The information student explains that he felt unwell two years ago and was convinced he had stage 4 bowel cancer.

According to him, the disease had spread to the chest but also to the brain and that he "wasn' not possible to survive".

But what is surprising is that the autopsy of his body reveals that all of his organs were very well and that the young man was in good health.

If he decided to kill himself it was because he preferred to put an end to his days rather than face an incurable illness", explain the police. Charles Henry Johnson's parents said their son had suffered from mental health issues in the past, but was now fine.

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