Young people from Biterrois discovering rugby with the “Rebonds!” association.
|L’association Rebonds fait découvrir le rugby aux jeunes des quartiers. Midi Libre – Rodrigue Delpas
Mardi 11 juin, onze classes des trois écoles de La Devèze ont participé à un tournoi de rugby avec l’association "Rebonds !".
Tuesday June 11, at the start of the afternoon, despite the heat, young people are running everywhere, on the Gayonne rugby field. Created in 2004 by two former professional rugby players, Sanoussi Diarra and Sébastien Bouche, the ’Rebonds !" association is organizing a tournament.
"This marks the end of the cycles of the three schools of Béziers La Devèze : the Tamaris, Samuel Paty and the Arbousiers, explains Aurélien Delsol, head of the Hérault Gard branch. We have eleven classes, they followed an educational rugby cycle. During this cycle, we emphasize two notions: fair play and cooperation, our entire educational project is built around that."
"We introduce them to rugby"
Through these interventions, the association, which has around fifty employees and which operates throughout Occitanie, goes further. "The project resides elsewhere, continues Aurélien Delsol. With the help of teachers, we identify profiles for whom integration within Rebonds would make sense. We introduce them to rugby, we go to their families. Which allows us to build a relationship of trust and then establish social dynamics with them. For this, we have social workers who can help them on subjects such as housing, health or parenting."
And Rebonds goes even further by continuing its monitoring on a regular basis, in particular thanks to partnerships with clubs, such as ASBH, in Béziers. "There are three obstacles to be removed from families, explains Aurélien Delsol. The financier, and the clubs play the game with adapted rates; the cultural around rugby, by explaining to them that it's not just a sport and that it's a sport that transmits lots of values; and mobility, we accompany the children to bring them to training. This time is also very useful for support, we maintain weekly contact with the children and the club."
"This summer we are taking 50 children to the Olympic Games"
In Hérault, the Rebonds association is present in Montpellier, Lunel, Bédarieux, Lodève, Clermont l’Hérault, Béziers and has 14 employees. For the young people with whom she works, she also offers internships and stays during each school holiday period. "We try to get them out of their neighborhood a little, smiles Aurélien Delsol. This could be the discovery of nature in Ardèche or Lozère, learning to swim, body expression. This summer, we are bringing 50 children at the Olympic Games, they will attend an athletics event. But we will also introduce them to the city of Paris and work on the values of Olympism."
Rebonds also offers professional remobilization actions for 16-25 year olds, and a "Feminine Essay" to "allow girls to have activities outside of school and go towards a sport that they rarely practice" ;.
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