Your eyelid starts twitching without warning: we explain what it means

Your eyelid starts twitching without warning: we explain what it means

Pourquoi votre paupière tremble-t-elle ?

Sometimes your eyelid twitches against your will ? This is called blepharospasm. Here's what you need to know.

When your eyelid twitches completely out of control, it's because your eye muscles are twitching involuntarily. This twitching can affect either the upper or lower eyelid of one eye.

These spasms are usually harmless. In most cases, the tremor disappears without any specific treatment. However, certain factors promote its occurrence. It is therefore interesting to try to act to prevent them, when possible.

Thus, eye fatigue, stress and lack of sleep promote this phenomenon, as does excessive caffeine consumption. A magnesium deficiency and slight dehydration have also been observed in connection with blepharospasms. Not to mention that overexposure to screens tires the eye muscles and can therefore cause these tremors.

What to do to prevent these tremors ?

Remember to hydrate yourself well and check with your doctor if you do not suffer from a magnesium deficiency.

Especially if you work on a computer, give yourself regular breaks: every 20 minutes, look into the distance for about 20 seconds (20-20-20 rule).

You can also practice eye relaxation techniques by applying a warm compress to your eyelids for 10 minutes. The heat will relax the eyelid muscles and thus reduce the risk of spasms. You will also effectively relax your eye muscles by gently massaging your eyelids with your fingertips in circular motions.

Finally, take care of your sleep in order to reduce your general fatigue and therefore your eyestrain.

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