200,000 more RN voters in two years, for a total of 610,000, in the former Languedoc-Roussillon

200,000 more RN voters in two years, for a total of 610,000, in the former Languedoc-Roussillon

Aurélien Lopez-Liguori, député RN sortant, réélu au premier tour dans l'Hérault. JEAN-MICHEL MART

It is Gard which records half of the increase alone. The rout of the Reconquest party benefits the RN with 40,000 voters from eastern Occitanie who find their way to the National Rally.

In the lands of the former Languedoc-Roussillon, more than 610,000 voters voted for the RN in the first round of the legislative elections.

There were 443,700 of them at the Europeans at the beginning of June… The increase could not be more logical, considering the momentum gained, the counter-offensive launched against the union of the left and the increase in participation at the national level: 67.50% this time , compared to 51.5% in Europeans.

The explosion is even more striking compared to the 2022 legislative elections: a very low participation (47.50%), for 416,500 RN voters. In two years therefore, for the same legislative election, the National Rally counts 200,000 additional votes. And half comes from Gard.

So certainly, the RN benefits from the collapse of the Reconquest party at the polls (recording between 1% and 2% of the vote in the region, compared to 5% two years ago). Eric Zemmour’s movement suffered from its internal post-European implosion. Reconquest, with 5%, was in the waters of its scores in the 2022 legislative elections. But that was before the dirty laundry was washed in public between Marion Maréchal and Eric Zemmour.

In many constituencies, Reconquest was simply absent this Sunday… A sometimes deliberate choice not to present candidates with a view to a reconciliation between Marine Le Pen and Marion Maréchal, under the nose and beard of Eric Zemmour.

In Gard, no Reconquest candidate

In Gard, no Reconquest candidate responded to the call this time, while the party was present two years ago in the six constituencies. In 2022, the presence of a Reconquest candidate in Nîmes, in the sixth constituency (7.4% of the vote), had prevented the RN from being in the second round, depriving it of a potential fifth seat.

Most of the 70,000 votes for Reconquête in the European elections in the former Languedoc-Roussillon have returned to the historic fold of the far right. In the 2022 legislative elections, Zemmour's party had a total of 48,000 votes. It only had 10,000 votes on Sunday evening. The ground has now been cleared.

As for the alliance with the Ciotti-leaning Republicans, it is very discreet in the former Languedoc-Roussillon, where the RN reigns supreme over almost the entire coastline. The only exception to the hegemony is the place given to the LR from Haute-Savoie, Alexandre Allegret-Pilot, parachuted into the sixth constituency of Gard (Alès). He won 27,600 votes there, qualifying for the second round in a duel.

In the eighth constituency of Hérault, the RN and ex-Republican Cédric Delapierre, who narrowly failed in 2022, went from 25% of the vote to 40%, with 25,800 votes (compared to 10,700 in 2022). He will meet the outgoing LFI deputy Sylvain Carrière in the second round.

Scores doubled, even quadrupled

Also in Hérault, in the seventh constituency (Sète-Agde), the outgoing deputy Aurélien Lopez-Liguori recorded 37,500 votes, compared to 16,000 in 2022. So certainly, he was able to recover the 3000 votes which went to Reconquest two years ago (Zemmour's party did not present a candidate in 2024). But even removing them, there still remains a difference of 18,500 votes between 2022 and 2024. For a vote score more than doubled.

Across the whole of Hérault, Reconquest only has 6,500 votes, compared to 28,000 three weeks ago.

In Lozère, a region that has so far been resistant to the RN, the progress is impressive: 14,743 votes compared to 3,700 in 2022. A quadrupled score!

Finally, Aveyron, in the broadcast area of ​​Midi Libre, sees the RN's score double in votes between 2022 and 2024: 51,552 votes, against 26,500.

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