210 computers (loRdi) were given to students at the Émile-Peytavin high school in Mende for their education

210 computers (loRdi) were given to students at the Émile-Peytavin high school in Mende for their education

La distribution de loRdi au lycée Émile-Peytavin de Mende. MIDI LIBRE – Michel Pieyre

It was the big day of the distribution of computers to the high school students of Émile-Peytavin high school, Friday, September 20, 2024. In total, 210 students took possession of the precious equipment during the morning.

From 9:30 a.m., class by class, the high school students of the Émile-Peytavin high school took possession of a laptop (loRdi) with a range of embedded software, charger and red case stamped with the Occitanie Region logo included. Funder in this area for students of the 212 public high schools labeled “Digital High School” in the region. The 210 beneficiary students of the Mende establishment have therefore taken possession of their computer, with digital assistance in case of need or breakdown.

A discovery for some students

For Georges, 16, a second-year student, it is an asset: “It is a little more for me because I will be able to take this one to high school” Same for Lucas, 15 years old: “The one at home was broken. I will use it for my school work only."

Benjamin Chikhi, a French and history-geography teacher, sees the tool as an educational plus: "It wasn't easy at the beginning of the operation, but today it's a real tool. We use it during classes. And then, it saves a lot of paper. All technical documentation, institutional sites, for example, are consulted in digital form." And to add: “It's a discovery for some, until now they only had their mobile phone as a computer.”

The students of the Chaptal high school in Mende have also been given one. 

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