“44% of young people who contact the local Mission are qualified” but unemployed, at the MLJ Gard rhodanien

“44% of young people who contact the local Mission are qualified” but unemployed, at the MLJ Gard rhodanien

Sabine Lardet, responsable de l'offre de services, Mohamed Ben Moussa, responsable de secteur, et Frédéric Combernous, directeur de la MLJ. C.B.

La MLJ Gard rhodanien Uzège crée des actions spécifiques pour accompagner les jeunes de 16 à 25 ans vers l'emploi. Elle va lancer un service itinérant pour toucher les zones rurales.

At the start of the year, the team from the Local Youth Mission (MLJ) Gard rhodanien Uzège takes stock and announces its projects for 2024. &quot ;We achieved our objectives" is satisfied Frédéric Combernous, the director of this association whose head office is in Bagnols-sur-Cèze and which extends over the Rhone Gard, the community of communes of the Pays d&#39 ;Uzès, that of Pont du Gard, and Roquemaure and whose vocation is to support young people aged 16 to 25 towards employment. 

With a few surprises. Of the 751 young people who passed through the doors of the MLJ for the first time in 2023, "33% are minors who have left the school system, this is increasing.& ;nbsp;Usually it's between 10 and 22% of new " underlines Frédéric Combernous. "But of the 1900 young people cared for by the local Mission, they only represent 10%. 18-21 year olds are in the majority, i.e. 55%" he nuances. Very quickly, in fact, "lthose under 18 find an apprenticeship contract, return to school…" . To help young people who have dropped out of school,  specific actions are launched this year, in continuation of the # 39;training obligation established by law for a school of trust. 

44% of young people contacting the MLJ have at least one CAP

Another figure to remember, the number of graduates – with at least a CAP in their pocket – constitutes  44% of young people who apply to the MLJ, " at the regional level, it's less than 22%" specifies the director. "We have work to do with these graduates so that they can access employment" underlines Sabine Lardet, responsible for providing services to the MLJ. Sometimes "these are high school graduates disappointed with Parcoursup,  they weren't taken anywhere.

Adapted programs are put in place in order to meet as closely as possible the needs of these unemployed young people, with very different profiles: writing a CV, presenting themselves in front of a employer, participate in workshops around health, nutrition, sport, theater to gain self-confidence… The MLJ is also an information center to guide those who are looking for their path or want to change. "We co-construct their project with the young person" explains Mohamed Ben Moussa, sector manager at MLJ. 

A traveling vehicle to reach young people in rural areas

"When a young person walks through the door of the MLJ, 80% of the work is done!"  assures Frédéric Combernous. And to reach more people, the association will equip itself with a vehicle which will travel throughout the territory "particularly in rural areas" there, where the population is further away from their offices and not necessarily mobile. "Our objective is to network the territory. We also target parents, grandparents, elected officials…&quot ; with this itinerant service which should be implemented in September 2024. 

Another action taken to motivate those over 18 is international mobility with four-week internships in companies "in fields that appeal to them. In 2023, one group left for Prague, another for Greece. This year we are going to organize mobility in Berlin and again in Prague" lists Mohamed Ben Moussa. A stay abroad, in a group and prepared in advance, with English lessons, awareness of the country's culture and the law. "Some never left… We will meet the employers and structures before sending them, it's secure!& quot; he reassures. And even if this international mobility only concerns "20 young people out of almost 2000, it boosts the team!". 

Contact: Local youth mission, 5 rue des Jardins du Souvenir, Bagnols-sur-Cèze. Such. 04 66 89 09 34. Office hours in Pont-Saint-Esprit, Roquemaure, Uzès, Remoulins. 

Meetings for employment and apprenticeships

The MLJ participates à two events in the coming months:

Employment meetings in Pont-du-Gard on March 14 from 9 a.m. 1 p.m. (right bank, Pitot room), general public. Companies from all sectors of activity will attend. as well as employment and integration partners are present. Job seekers can bring their CV. Free entry. Tel. 04 66 37 67 67.

In partnership with France Travail, the MLJ is organizing the May of apprenticeship & the multicultural room of Bagnols, May 22 from 1:30 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. An open meeting à all.

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