Samuel Navalon strikes a new blow in Millas

Samuel Navalon strikes a new blow in Millas

Samuel Navalon opened the big door after cutting three ears. Midi Libre РSt̩phan Guin

Samuel Navalon strikes a new blow in Millas

Samuel Navalon performed superb naturals in front of a great novillo from San Sebastian. Midi Libre РSt̩phan Guin

Samuel Navalon strikes a new blow in Millas

Miguel Andrades showed an irreproachable attitude and will. Midi Libre РSt̩phan Guin

Samuel Navalon strikes a new blow in Millas

Jarocho suffered a voltereta that caused an ear injury and a head trauma. Midi Libre РSt̩phan Guin

Samuel Navalon strikes a new blow in Millas

Après sa vuelta, Jarocho a été conduit à l'hôpital de Perpignan pour des examens médicaux. Midi Libre – Stéphan Guin

Le novillero espagnol a coupé trois oreilles à Millas, ce dimanche, alors que Jarocho a été blessé par son premier novillo dans la corrida concours de ganaderias françaises.

As he prepares to say goodbye to the escalafon des novilleros by taking his alternative on September 14, Samuel Navalon demonstrates with each paseo that he is certainly the best novillero of the moment and a promise for the future in the upper echelon.

Navalon shines against San Sebastian Novillo

Coming to Millas this Sunday to replace the injured Tristan Barroso, the Valencia novillero triumphed by cutting three ears. Faced with a noble Gallon novillo, his faena gained momentum and he was awarded an effective sword. Samuel Navalon then shone in front of an excellent San Sebastian novillo, who was awarded the Prize of this "competition" by drawing a well-constructed, deep and slow faena. Taking advantage of the nobility and steadiness of the brave, the first series on the right bank set the scene before culminating in the numerous series of naturals with perfect physique. Two undeniable ears rewarded his performance.

Rich from his triumph in Madrid this year, Jarocho was the second headliner of this Sunday cartel. Facing a novillo with a short and dangerous charge from Fernay, the novillero suffered a severe voltereta that caused him an ear injury and a head trauma. After finishing his faena and receiving a vuelta for his effort, Jarocho was taken to the hospital in Perpignan after this first fight.

Miguel Andrades, who showed himself convincingly in Céret last month, showed the same determination in the cape, the banderillas and during the faenas. His undeniable desire did not mask certain limitations with the steels against his three opponents and he only very partially benefited from the qualities of his first novillo which proved complete in each phase of the fight .

His second iron from Blohorn also had magnificent depth and class on the left horn. Although he drew some notable naturals, the public remained unsatisfied because the novillo made it possible to give another relief to the faena. On the other hand, the Jalabert he fought in place of the injured Jarocho did not offer him any options because the novillo quickly stopped at the start of faena.

The bullfight file

Sunday 11 août.

Arènes de Millas.

Full in the stands.

Order of release of the novillos: Yonnet, Fernay, Gallon, Blohorn, San Sebastian, Jalabert.

The Prize for the best novillo for the San Sebastian ganaderia.

Miguel Andrades: silence after opinions, silence and silence.

Jarrocho: vuelta and injury.

Samuel Navalon: ear and two ears.

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