Louise Villemagne and Noémie Solier on the 100 km of Millau… on roller skates!

Louise Villemagne and Noémie Solier on the 100 km of Millau… on roller skates!

Les deux Millavoises seront au départ des 100 km de Millau. D. R.

Louise Villemagne et Noémie Solier se lancent un nouveau défi sportif sur les 100 km de Millau.

These two Millavoises have their heads full of ideas when it comes to moving for the Lucio association. Louise Villemagne and Noémie Solier will once again get on roller skates for an extraordinary sporting challenge. They will line up at the start of the 100 km of Millau, on Saturday, September 28, without their sneakers but with roller skates. “We will try to arrive before the first one”, smiles Louise Villemagne, the founder of the association. Which adds a little more spice to the Millavoises' adventure.

Experienced on long distances

They know long distances. They have already completed some great journeys like Roscoff – Hendaye, on all-terrain skates. "1200km, 22 days, 6500€ collected and also donated to research into pediatric cancer (read box), they specify. In 2023, we did 24 hours of rollerblading in Millau. The goal was to do as many kilometers as possible in 24 hours, always together with the wheelchair and friends to follow us. We then collected 10,000 euros."

The association created in 2015

It is &agrave Following a personal experience, Louise Villemagne, with her sister Cécile, created the Lucio association, named after a member of her family who was affected by pediatric cancer. He was 2 years old at the time. “Évidely this news devastated me, explains the founder. That's why I first decided to sell t-shirts for Lucio, then I created an association in 2020, to continue the fight and be able to donate the funds directly to research against pediatric cancers. Since then, Lucio has been cured, he is doing well, and we continue to fight for others.” But she didn't give up the affair and continues to take on sporting challenges to raise funds that go directly to research.

But before throwing themselves body and soul into this charitable adventure, the Millavoises had never been on roller skates.“We don't worry about training challenges either… It's a bit like we're “putting obstacles in our way" so that it's a real challenge, difficult to achieve", the two women laugh.

A start one minute before the runners

This September 28, the two Millavoises will get a bit of a head start. They will still be able to participate in the procession with the Élan Millavois to the starting line, Avenue Jean-Jaurès. They will leave one minute before the runners of the 100 km and the marathon (two events for which registration is still open, Editor's note). “We will each have a follower especially to help us brake on the descents, because, as crazy as it may seem, we still don't know how to brake. Arnaud for Noémie and Alexis for me, explains the founder of the association. Then Mélissa, a mutual friend, will follow us for the communication aspect (live Facebook, etc.) and my brother François will be there for logistics and supplies. We will have the association's colours, so Orange, and if you're looking for us, we should be in front of or with (or not far from) the first runners, if all goes well for us."

An online fundraiser for donations

To raise funds, an online fundraiser will be created one week before the race and the two women will be present at the Parc de la Victoire the day before the race, to collect the bibs. The QR codes for the fundraiser will be displayed on the support team's bikes. They hope to reach curious spectators on D-Day. “We hope that this kitty will break through the ceilings to fill the coffers of research against pediatric cancers, because seeing these children sick, suffering and even dying is no longer possible! We are counting on all of you, every gesture counts!”, concludes Louise Villemagne. The duo who now know each other by heart have never backed down in the face of difficulty for the association and prove it again with this new start that they are about to take.

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