The six-legged calf has grown up, Mélenchon in Lozère and a vote for Ukraine… the essential news in the region

The six-legged calf has grown up, Mélenchon in Lozère and a vote for Ukraine... the essential news in the region

The main news this Wednesday. DR/MAXPPP/DR

Every evening at 8:30 p.m., find the 5 regional news items of the day that you shouldn't have missed.

A year later, the six-legged calf is living happy days

#AVEYRON –It's a story that caused a lot of ink to flow a year ago. Several associations, led by the Bardot Foundation, stepped up to save the calf from the slaughterhouse, born with two extra legs, on its back. Suffering from polymelia, a very rare malformation affecting one in 25,000 cattle, the animal was operated on in September 2023. A year later, the calf, renamed Sixtine, is living peaceful days in a meadow in Isère, with a farmer. He is in the company of around fifteen cattle, also saved by the association Œuvre d'assistance aux bêtes d'abattoir (AOAB). « If she doesn't have any medical problems, we should keep her for another twenty years or so,», adds President Jimmy Gouedard.

Fabienne Sicot has won a second “8,000”

#MONTPELLIER –She took advantage of a favorable weather window to reach the summit. Despite the terrible cold, Fabienne Sicot from Hérault climbed the eighth highest peak in the world, Manaslu (8,163 m), this Tuesday, her second “8,000” (out of 14) after Everest in May 2023. For the nurse from the Montpellier University Hospital, the challenge was all the greater because she had decided to make the climb without the supply of oxygen. Acclimatization at the base camp was further complicated by a flare-up of Crohn's disease, a condition that had flared up during her first adventure in the Himalayas. But Fabienne Sicot, 38, doubly handicapped by brittle bone disease and ankylosing spondylitis that is advancing irremediably, had already demonstrated that she is able to overcome, « mentally », all these difficulties. This new conquest brings him into the very closed circle of Himalayan climbers without oxygen.

Mélenchon's apologies ?

#LOZÈRE –Jean-Luc Mélenchon will be in Mende this Saturday for a public meeting on the very explicit theme of “Macron, dismissal”. Will he take the opportunity to apologize to the people of Lozère after his comments made at the end of August that provoked indignation ? During the LFI summer university, the former presidential candidate had in fact suggested that there was no intellectual elite in Lozère. The video relaying his few words had then been shown on a loop, not failing to provoke strong reactions. The people of Lozère had invited Jean-Luc Mélenchon to come and discuss in the department. Call heard.

Today's figure: 68

#GARD – The Solvay chemical plant, located on the Salindres site, near Alès, which produces TFA, announced on Tuesday that it would cease its activity by October 2025. Also, 68 jobs are permanently eliminated. Only about twenty employees, working on the GIE branch (structure that processes the discharge from all the plants on the chemical site, also owned by Solvay), will remain in activity. Since this announcement, employees have started an unlimited strike.

A voice for Ukraine

#NARBONNE – She is a real star in her country. Ukrainian singer Olya Polyakova will be in concert at the Arena in Narbonne, in the Aude, this Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. Two unique dates in France. She will offer a show in two parts: a highlight on the war then a very colorful show with dances and special effects. The observation then the hope.
The event is organized by the Narbonne Ukraine association and will raise funds for the Ukrainian people, children and wounded soldiers in particular. Information on 06 73 95 98 32. Tickets on sale on the website

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