A new early childhood relay to better inform families and support childminders

A new early childhood relay to better inform families and support childminders

Différents partenaires collaborent pour faire de ce nouveau Relais petite enfance un succès. Midi Libre – Célian Guignard

Ce nouveau service est porté par l’Union départementale des associations familiales de Lozère en partenariat avec le Centre intercommunal d’action sociale de la communauté de communes Cœur de Lozère. Trois animatrices le font vivre depuis le 1er juillet 2024.

“We need to do better and more for children, families and young people. We have a rather ageing population. It is in our interest to implement different policies.” Laurent Suau, president of the departmental council and the Cœur de Lozère community of communes, is delighted with one of them: the creation of a new Early Childhood Relay (RPE), launched on 1 July. This is supported by the Departmental Union of Family Associations (Udaf), in partnership with the Intercommunal Social Action Center (CIAS) Cœur de Lozère.

Three facilitators

"After consultation with the joint social security fund (CCSS), Udaf was selected as coordinator, explains Michel Caponi, its president. We have the approval until the end of 2027."The RPE now has three facilitators: Lucie Boudon, who is responsible for the east of the department; Aurore Pierredon, for the west; Karine Galtier, for the heart of Lozère.

A rapprochement is underway with the other communities of communes, through their Global Territorial Agreement (CTG) signed with the Family Allowance Fund, which includes early childhood in its fields of intervention. Major actions will be carried out, such as parent meetings or the promotion of early childhood professions or traveling awareness workshops.

To find a childminder: monenfant.fr

A single number has been set up to contact the Early Childhood Relay (04 66 65 67 81). It is accessible from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A one-stop shop has also been set up at the CIAS Cœur de Lozère to welcome and provide information, including with regard to registrations with childminders.

The new REP will also be responsible for informing childminders in the area and ensuring their initial and ongoing training. Support in the form of professional practice analyses is also planned. In addition, a call has already been made to them so that they can all be listed on the monenfant.fr website. This will allow them to be put in touch more easily with families and thus establish their professional activity.

“Allowing new families to settle in Lozère”

“The number of childminders is at risk in Lozère, as in other departments, underlines Dominique Prévot, the director of Udaf. Many are approaching retirement age. Our goal will also be to create vocations." For Romain Vidal, deputy general director of the CIAS, it is all "a sector in crisis" and the consequences are numerous : "This has an impact on the birth rate. We need to take care of our childcare methods. We must do everything to ensure that children are cared for in the best possible conditions. This is essential, and will allow new families to settle everywhere in Lozère."

The REP is financed by different institutions, the CCSS, the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), the departmental council and the communities of communes.

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