A barely born calf falls into a 30-meter ravine: firefighters use great resources to rescue it

A barely born calf falls into a 30-meter ravine: firefighters use great resources to rescue it

A barely born calf falls into a 30-meter ravine: firefighters use great resources to rescue it

A rescue board was used to bring the calf back to safety. Facebook SDIS65

A calf a few hours old had an impressive fall in the Hautes-Pyrénées. The firefighters implemented a special intervention to come to his aid this Thursday, May 9.

A rescue like no other was carried out this Thursday, May 9, by the Hautes-Pyrénées firefighters, who recounted this unusual intervention on their Facebook page. That day, a young calf, "just born",made a significant fall on a slope above the river and found himself stuck thirty meters below the ravine.

A rescue board to cross the river

As access to reach the animal was impassable, it was necessary to mobilize a vehicle from the specialized team of divers, as well as a veterinarian and a nurse. On their social network, the firefighters shared photos of this successful rescue, since the little calf was able to be recovered alive and in good health.