A bell tower on fire, a residence with burning decoration, a new symbolic palm tree: the essential news in the region

A bell tower on fire, a residence with burning decoration, a new symbolic palm tree: the essential news in the region

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, l’essentiel de l’actualité sur midilibre.fr

Tous les soirs à 20 h 30, retrouvez l’essentiel de l’actualité régionale sur midilibre.fr.

The bell tower catches fire after a lightning strike

#AVEYRON. Lightning struck and severely damaged the bell tower of the Veyreau church on the night of Monday 8 to Tuesday 9 April. "The church clock stopped at 3 to 5 so we are sure of the time", summed up a local elected official this Tuesday morning. "It was a resident near the church who raised the alarm."

The Millau firefighters deployed significant material and human resources (around twenty men) and large scales to, during the night and again this Tuesday morning, monitor the particularly impacted building. "Work had been undertaken on the church to redo the plastering of the walls… The priority remains to secure."

When decoration ruins the lives of residents

#LA GRANDE-MOTTE. Decorative elements installed on the Pure residence are ruining the life of a resident. On the facade of the building, stainless steel polyhedrons underline the idea of ​​purity, with the symbolism of the diamond. Its balcony is framed by one of these metal structures. "When the sun's ray passes onto the balcony, it burns what is there. I put down a piece of cardboard, it burned. I put the thermometer on, it went up to 150 °C !"

Three other owners complain of the same problem. Promoter Kaufmann & Broad was alerted by the trustee and suggested installing a filter on the parts of the structure that reflect the sun too much. A solution that the resident refutes. "In the opinion of specialists, this will not hold up over time, but we are asking to resolve this problem definitively". The architect François Fontès is waiting to visit place on a sunny day to get a more precise idea.

The Return of the Big Top

#HERAULT. A capital from the cloister of the abbey of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, found by chance, has officially become part of the site's museum. It had been stored for 150 years at the Château de Jonquières, the owner of which was delighted with the idea of ​​returning the work to its place of origin. origin.

For Robert Siegel, mayor of Saint-Guilhem, this approach should serve as an example to potential owners of elements of the cloister. Because there could be others scattered in the houses of the village, or elsewhere. He detects in this discovery "an omen", at the time when the municipality begins a reflection to restore the abbey's influence with the project “Gellone 2050”.

A new palm tree

#NÎMES.Orphaned by its palm tree (vanquished by the red weevil) since October, the Market Square will soon regain its splendor. The new palm, Washingtonia type, will be planted on April 18. The subject, aged 52 and 8 meters tall, is offered by the Palmiers Prestige nursery in Livron-sur-Drôme.

An inauguration by the mayor should take place after the plantation, very close to the crocodile. The city will then have found its emblems, inherited from a victorious campaign of Augustus in Egypt.

The number of the day: 10

#OCCITANIE. This is, in millions of cubic meters, the volume of wastewater reused that the Regional Council wants to achieve this by 2030 and thus become the leading region in France in terms of Reut. To achieve this, project funding will be expanded. The decision is part of measures in favor of better water management, including aid for projects to dewaterproof urban soils or the modernization of the regional hydraulic network.< /p> I subscribe to read more

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