A designer “put on the bench” and a young talent crowned at the 29th Sérignan Comics Festival

A designer “put on the bench” and a young talent crowned at the 29th Sérignan Comics Festival

The designer Jean-Louis Mourier, who sketches “Trolls of Troy” was “put on the bench” this weekend in Sérignan. Diane Petitmangin – Midi Libre

A designer “put on the bench” and a young talent crowned at the 29th Sérignan Comics Festival

A festival of blues, greens and ocher for Jean-Louis Mourier, the designer of “Trolls de Troy”. Diane Petitmangin – Midi Libre

A designer “put on the bench” and a young talent crowned at the 29th Sérignan Comics Festival

Celtic folk duo Off the Boat took the audience on a trip to the Scottish moors. Diane Petitmangin – Midi Libre

End clap on the 29th edition of the comic book festival. Jean-Louis Mourier, the designer of "Trolls of Troy" put the finishing touches to its book stand, while Rosalie Stroesser's first comic strip won the City Prize.

Concentrated and diligent, the truculent Jean-Louis Mourier, designer of Trolls de Troy (editions Soleil) put the finishing touches to his trollesque creation, this Sunday 19  May, live in front of visitors to the 29th Sérignan BD festival. "Benched" like several of his predecessors (Olivier Vatine, Laurent Bonneau, Brice Cossue…), the creator was, in fact, fine-tuning, with a lot of green, blue and ocher paints, the book-bench which will join the public space, near the Saint-Roch footbridge.

He was supported in his quest for excellence by the musicians of Off the Boat, Goggs and Marko, straight from Edinburgh. An astonishing and talented duo who took the audience, with all the passion or melancholy of their Celtic folk, to the heart of the Scottish moors or Irish jigs.

The City Prize to Rosalie Stroesser

Saturday evening, at the end of the first day of the festival, the City Prize, which crowns young talents and first albums, was awarded to Rosalie Strœsser for Shiki – 4 seasons in Japan (Viragesgraphiques éditions), already crowned by the France Inter Discovery Label (*). Between an autobiographical story and a travel diary, this young manga enthusiast recounts her encounters but also her disillusionments. Absolutely worth discovering.

A designer “put on the bench” and a young talent crowned at the 29th Sérignan Comics Festival

Rosalie Stroesser won the City Prize for her first album “Shiki – 4 seasons in Japan”. Sérignan BS Festival

(*) She was in competition with Cécile Porée, "Flowers also have a season" (Delcourt); Francesca Vartuli, "What I know about Rokia" (Futuropolis) and David Wautier, Vengeance (Anspach).

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