A florist who likes to garnish her bouquet with the love of her profession

A florist who likes to garnish her bouquet with the love of her profession

Céline Da Costa connaît l’art du bouquet. DR

A florist who likes to garnish her bouquet with the love of her profession

Céline Da Costa.

Céline Da Costa a appris sur le tas l’art et la manière de fabriquer des bouquets et d’apporter à ses fleurs tout le bien être nécessaire pour enjoliver le quotidien et les cérémonies.

Fresh scents, shimmering colors, a vast and lit place, it is in this beautiful setting that Céline Da Costa, florist in the Autour des fleurs store, works. Originally from Mendoise, Céline Da Costa, always smiling, had not planned to pursue this beautiful profession. After the baccalaureate, in 1997, she came, by chance, to see Nanou Mathieu, the florist, for a possible job. The same day, Nanou received a resignation letter from her apprentice. "Thanks to this opportunity, I was hired. I learned everything on the job. She explained to me all the techniques and tips of the trade. In 2000, Nanou joined forces with Maryse Vallès. Three years later, Maryse bought the store, then, her daughter Eva took over from her mother until 2021. Eva had other plans, opening a guest house in the Cévennes. It was therefore natural that I took over the store, with the experience and lessons learned."

Conservation conditions are closely monitored to maintain plants and flowers. It should not be less than 15 degrees for plants and 19 degrees for flowers. The ambient temperature in the store should ideally not exceed 17 degrees. If the weather permits, the flowers and plants are taken out in front of the store, provided that it is not less than four degrees. The first job of the day is store maintenance. Fresh flowers are displayed for sale. Arrivals are delivered on Wednesdays. And there, you have to prepare them. After unpacking, Céline Da Costa pampers the plants, makes bouquets, round, in vases, stylized and cut flower arrangements. "Customers like to make their bouquets on site, based on colors and categories. They like to choose the flowers." Céline Da Costa then has to take care of the deliveries, particularly for mournings, weddings and ceremonies. "When there is a bereavement, I have to drop everything because it is always urgent." The florist's schedule is very busy , because she works from Tuesday to Sunday lunchtime and takes advantage of her Monday to finalize everything she was not able to do during the week. "It's a hard job, because there are no family celebrations, I have to be there for customers at Christmas, for Mother's Day, May 1st or even the 11th of November. But this job is a passion."

The store, a family challenge

Céline Da Costa has prepared her orders for red roses, the symbol of love, for Valentine's Day and she is preparing for the next Grandmother's Day, March 3. "Orders are difficult to manage, because if the flowers are not sold, we will throw them away, which is a shame. You have to watch that the plants do not catch diseases. In winter I water with temperate water. Alavaro, my husband, as well as Jorge and Daniela, my children, help me, especially with deliveries. I was only able to take over this store because they agreed, knowing that we would no longer have the same family life."

Contact: Autour des fleurs, 15 bd du Soubeyran, 04 66 49 05 84 or www.autourdesfleurs.fr.

Correspondent Midi Libre : 06 83 48 50 18

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