A Gardoise develops a mobile application that allows you to work and organize yourself while traveling

A Gardoise develops a mobile application that allows you to work and organize yourself while traveling

Laura Fresne et Laurie Ballesteros ont développé l’application mobile Digital Nomad Academy (DNA). – DR

Une jeune Gardoise, Laurie Ballesteros, développe une application mobile Digital Nomad Academy (DNA). Elle permet de référencer les bonnes adresses en coworking, coliving, hôtel… des professionnels en voyage.

Laurie Ballesteros is only 24 years old, her future ahead of her and yet, with her head on her shoulders, she is burning the stages at high speed in her personal and professional businesses. “I studied business and marketing. I am a professor at a business school and I have had a communications agency for over two years, Combyl, specializing in social networks. But I am developing a mobile application Digital Nomad Academy (DNA) that balances the professional life of entrepreneurs with the referencing of good addresses in coworking, coliving, hotels, etc. for the life of entrepreneurs who move while traveling.”

But the idea is not a coincidence. “I went to Bali for two months. I had my computer with me to work. I came across bad addresses, bad Wifi, bad environment. I struggled to work while traveling. I did my market research and I got started."

A free application and available in September on AOS and Android stores

However, despite her youth and her Olympian calm, she has an energy and a mind that is always on the move, the aim of which is to find solutions to problems that she has experienced, Laurie thinks, “for someone who works mainly on a computer, who moves around and who doesn't need an office”. If she is living the adventure alone, she knows how to surround herself: “I have Laura Fresne, a development agency that is there. I drew up specifications and I got support. I am alone on the project, I have three investors, I am followed by an incubator (entity that chaperones to develop the company)".

But the ambitious woman does not forget the human and complex side of the situation: "My parents do not understand much but they believe in it. I am impatient, a little stressed because I have put money and time at stake. At this point, I can't go back."

His application is coming out on September 20, downloadable on the AOS and Android stores, free with features that will be added by next year. For the DNA (Digital Nomad Academy) logo with an A in the shape of an airplane for travel. "It was a student who created the logo. Orange corresponds to the sunset.” But Laurie's mind is racing: “I have other ideas but for later with physical events, coliving on Digital Nomad Academy”.

Contact: Laurie at 06 27 53 47 43 or digitalnomadacademy.app

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