“A resident of Baillargues hospitalized”: after a confirmed case of human infection, the West Nile virus is circulating in Hérault

"A resident of Baillargues hospitalized": after a confirmed case of human infection, the West Nile virus is circulating in Hérault

Cette infection se transmet par les moustiques via des oiseaux sauvages infectés. EID Méditérannée – Jean-Baptiste Ferré

Ce lundi 9 septembre 2024, le préfet de l’Hérault a confirmé la présence du virus West Nile. Quatre nouveaux cas sur des chevaux ont été détectés à Mauguio, Lattes et Lansargues. Ce virus peut entraîner des symptômes neurologiques graves.

This time, it's confirmed. Suspicions of circulation of the West Nile virus in Petite Camargue have been lifted. “The final results of the analyses carried out on the three horses showing clinical signs suggestive of West Nile confirm the presence of the virus”, warns the prefect of Hérault.

Worse, four new cases of suspected contamination of horses in the same area (neighboring towns of Mauguio, Lattes and Lansargues) show that the virus is circulating actively in Petite Camargue.

Humans are “accidental hosts”

Worse still, a “resident of Baillargues was hospitalized”. According to the authorities, the health condition of this person is now stable. But this diagnosis of a confirmed case of human infection with West Nile virus requires a lot of attention, especially from horse owners.

West Nile virus infection is transmitted by mosquitoes (mostly of the genus Culex) that become infected by biting infected wild birds. Horses, and sometimes humans, are “accidental hosts” that can become infected with West Nile virus when bitten by infected mosquitoes but cannot transmit the virus themselves.

Most infections are asymptomatic

In most cases, human West Nile virus infection is asymptomatic, meaning that the patient does not present any symptoms. In some cases, the disease manifests itself as a flu-like syndrome (fever, headache, muscle pain) sometimes accompanied by a rash. The sudden onset of these symptoms should prompt immediate medical consultation, which may be followed, if necessary, by reporting to the ARS.

The circulation of the West Nile virus is the subject of a triple surveillance system in France, in humans, horses and birds, which involves numerous partners and is currently supplemented by epidemiological and entomological surveys carried out in this sector of Hérault by teams from the ARS, Public Health France and the mosquito control operator Altopictus. The ARS has strengthened the surveillance system by raising awareness among Occitanie health establishments and professionals about the identification and screening of any suspected cases.

What to do to limit contamination ?

The Prefect of Hérault and the Director General of the Occitanie Regional Health Agency renew their call for compliance with the following measures, particularly in geographical areas affected by cases of infection: protect yourself against mosquito bites: wear loose, light-colored clothing that covers arms and legs, apply a repellent product to exposed areas of skin, respecting the contraindications and, if necessary, … by mosquito nets in areas where mosquitoes are particularly numerous; combat the proliferation of mosquitoes around the home by eliminating stagnant water that constitutes their breeding grounds (e.g. empty and store small containers away, cover water tanks with a cloth or mosquito net, etc.); · for sensitive individuals (e.g. newborns, pregnant women, immunocompromised individuals), sleep under a mosquito net; consult your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms that suggest this: sudden onset of fever accompanied by headaches, muscle pain, a rash, or even behavioral problems or incoherent speech.

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