A thousand people in the streets of Montpellier against Emmanuel Macron’s choices

A thousand people in the streets of Montpellier against Emmanuel Macron’s choices

Un cortège conduit par les étudiants et les jeunes “Insoumis” Midi Libre – G; T.

Un millier de personnes environ a défilé dans les rues de Montpellier ce samedi soir. Une manifestation initié par un syndicat étudiant, relayé par les jeunes de la France insoumise et qui a aussi intégré les soutiens à la population de Gaza et de Palestine.

They ultimately did not wait for the announcement of Michel Barnier's government to take to the streets. This Saturday at the end of the afternoon, around a thousand people marched from Place Albert-1er to the Comédie to denounce Emmanuel Macron's policy and, more particularly, his orientations to appoint a Prime Minister and part of the government from the right. Activists in support of the people of Gaza and Palestine have also joined the movement.

“What is my voting card for”?”

An initiative launched only this Friday, September 20 by the Scum, a student union, relayed by the young people of France Insoumise, which did not meet with the same response as on September 7, when the procession brought together nearly 6,000 people after the appointment of the Prime Minister. “It took us a while to do it because we thought we would have the government's announcement before the evening. That said, we must remember that there were legislative elections and the result of the vote is not respected” specifies Livia, one of the organizers. Next to him, a student asks the question: “What is my voter card for ?”.

Maintaining the pressure on the streets

The late announcement of the demonstration, the relative confusion in its slogans, did not prevent Laurent, a retired railway worker, from joining it, first to demand “the dismissal" of the head of state. "And respect for the popular vote. I am here, I will be here on October 1st and before if necessary"he says. The objective of this mobilization, with or without a government, remains “to maintain the pressure until October 1st" explains NFP MP Sylvain Carrière, present in the ranks as well as his colleague Nathalie Oziol.

“This government, which is that of the Manif' pour tous, will not be more stable than the one that Lucie Castets could have led. We will end up with ten Macronist ministers and three from the Republicans, which poses the problem of democracy. People say to themselves what is the point of voting" explains the Hérault parliamentarian who is already looking towards the start of the Assembly… and the preparation of a first motion of censure… “as early as October 3rd or 4th”

“There aren't many of us tonight, but we have to wait for the first bad move” warns Jean-Claude, an experienced rebel activist.

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