Abdelkrim Grini, public prosecutor of Alès: “I am for firmness and I demand it”

Abdelkrim Grini, public prosecutor of Alès: “I am for firmness and I demand it”


Le magistrat, originaire de La Paillade à Montpellier connaît déjà la juridiction.

"I know the jurisdiction well, I came there to plead as a lawyer, recalls the new prosecutor of Alès, Abdelkrim Grini. When I was a deputy placed under the Attorney General, I worked with three of my predecessors. I am happy to come back to the Cévennes. This is a position that I wanted, asked for and obtained."

In 2014, prosecutor Grini requested in particular during the ATM snatching case.

This return to business in Alès also allows this native of the Paillade district in Montpellier to get closer to his family, still in the neighborhood. "I am responsive and firm, it’s my trademark, says Abdelkrim Grini. I have a sense of reality. I have seen, been around, since I come from a difficult neighborhood, a form of delinquency which requires firmness. I am thinking in particular of violent, repeat delinquency."

The Alès parquet floor will be reinforced soon

The prosecutor hammers home his leitmotif: "I am firm, I claim it. We cannot give up an inch of ground. I refuse. However, I retain a sense of prevention and discernment, with responsiveness. I have a conception of traditional public action, but which remains in line with current events."

As soon as he arrived in his new position, after five years at the head of the Roanne public prosecutor's office (Loire), Abdelkrim Grini got to work and received good news: "With the creation of 1,500 positions of new magistrates by 2027, the Alès public prosecutor's office will be strengthened. That’s the good news. This is part of the means implemented by the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti."

Indeed, the Alès public prosecutor's office, with only three magistrates, must deal with more than 13,000 complaints, for more than 1,500 cases prosecuted, an increasing number of immediate appearances, referrals, hearings & ;hellip; is more than tight flow. The arrival of a new prosecutor will therefore not be a luxury in a jurisdiction where delinquency is high.

Judgment deadlines are at the heart of the magistrate's thinking. "Regarding the hearing, I am in the process of carrying out an inventory. I already have some ideas for work. We must succeed in reducing the delays for litigants to be judged. This is a priority that I have attached myself to since my arrival."

The prosecutor defines his criminal policy: "The priorities are numerous and are classic. We will continue the effort on domestic violence and violence against women, drug trafficking, the fight against burglaries, violence against established bodies, whether police officers, gendarmes, firefighters , teachers, road accidents, environmental damage… There's work to be done!"

Lawyer for one of the terrorists of September 11, 2001

A young lawyer from the Paillade district, Abdelkrim Grini took part in the &agrav; “testing” &agrav; the entrance to night establishments.

À At the end of a procedure as long as it was tedious, the law underwent significant changes with regard to the fight against discrimination &agrav; the entrance to the nightclubs of Montpellier. "It’s a real pride for us. to have, with my friends, evolved jurisprudence. It’s more effective than going to break windows or burn vehicles."

Another highlight in the former lawyer's 13 years at the helm was the defense, in the French section, of Montpellier's Zacarias Moussaoui, accused of to be the 20th terrorist who should have been killed find yourself à on board the planes which crashed at New York September 11.

In 2011, Abdelkrim Grini arrived at the Bobigny public prosecutor's office (Seine-Saint-Denis) after having abandoned his career. her lawyer’s dress. "Lawyer means standing up against injustice. Defend private interests. I preferred defend the general interest. It’s a source of pride because I don’not forget whereù I'm coming. I am the son of an immigrant; Moroccan. I return à my country what it gave me. And I was given a lot."

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