After the visit of Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture, to Lozère, agricultural unions remain doubtful

After the visit of Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture, to Lozère, agricultural unions remain doubtful

Marc Fesneau in consultation with the Rural Coordination at the Fédou farm. FREE MIDI – Michel Pieyre

On the sidelines of the visit of Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture, visiting the Causse Méjean on the occasion of World Water Day, agricultural unions had the opportunity to speak with their minister.

Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, was visiting the Causse Méjean, Friday March 22, 2024, on the occasion of World Food Day water. Before going to the Michel family's sheep and pig farm in Montbrun to discover a rainwater reserve, the minister spoke with the agricultural unions, concerning the various aids put in place. place following the crisis of last winter. Jean-François Maurin of the FDSEA Lozère commented: "We made it clear to the minister that it was necessary to evolve on sensitive meadows. He let us see that there were possibilities for this to evolve." And satisfied with a minister who listens: "He had to come to the field to understand our distress."

A determination intact

Rural Coordination side, Alain Pouget, returned to the wolf: "To change the nature of the protection of the wolf, we would need clarification. The threat of predation is unbearable." Concerning sensitive grasslands, the unionist insisted: "We do not have the expected response. Farmers do not know what to declare, no assurance of not being subject to financial sanctions." The Confédération paysanne declared, in a press release: "Answers given during the course
of this exchange being deemed fundamentally insufficient by our union, our demands remain unchanged and our determination intact."

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