Agglo de Lunel: A month of meetings around diabetes to better prepare for it

Agglo de Lunel: A month of meetings around diabetes to better prepare for it

Information, prévention mais aussi test rapide et gratuit au programme. A. C.

Agglo de Lunel: A month of meetings around diabetes to better prepare for it

Agglo de Lunel: A month of meetings around diabetes to better prepare for it

Information, prévention mais aussi test rapide et gratuit au programme. A. C.

Agglo de Lunel: A month of meetings around diabetes to better prepare for it

Agglo de Lunel: A month of meetings around diabetes to better prepare for it

Information, prévention mais aussi test rapide et gratuit au programme. A. C.

La communauté professionnelle territoriale de santé (CPTS) du Pays de Lunel propose rendez-vous et campagne de dépistage jusqu’à fin mai.

In May, do what you please. But above all, get tested, we dare say, and, in fact, write.

Because during this spring month, the territorial professional health community (CPTS) Pays de Lunel has set up, for the 3rd consecutive year, a completely free program around diabetes with, among other things, a campaign screening as well as new interactive features.

« Take and regain control of your health »

Often silent, this disease affects nearly 6% of the population in France. A figure that can almost be reduced locally. A figure which, above all, if it is not expected to decrease, can nevertheless increase, so many people are unaware that they have diabetes.

But nothing to be afraid of, quite the contrary. As Karine Boubekeur explains to us: "The earlier the disease is known, the better people live with it , says the administrative management officer within the CPTS Pays de Lunel. Participating in screening campaigns, which are also free, means taking and regaining control of your health and thus better preparing for your illness", she continues .

Several health professionals to meet

This is how from this Monday, May 6 to Thursday, May 30, several meetings will punctuate the weeks of the population of the territory of the Agglo de Lunel (read in box).

Doctors, dieticians, podiatrists, pharmacists and other health personnel will be present at the various actions and events in order to share, advise but also listen and discuss.< /p>

A completely free program for all profiles

During the month of May, the CPTS gives several free meetings to the population of the Agglo de Lunel.

Monday May 6: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., screening in front of the Lidl store, boulevard Sainte-Claire, in Lunel.< /p>

Monday May 13: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., screening in front of the Saint-Just pharmacy.

Wednesday May 15: from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., screening at the Saussines market.

Friday May 17: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Boisseron market.

Thursday May 23: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in front of the Espace Vauban medical center, in conjunction with the associations on site.
In addition, the Bouisson-Bertrand Institute will be present to carry out vaccination assessments and, if necessary, vaccinate (DT polio, tetanus…).
Finally, the Lunel health space will be present to help people in very precarious situations and allow them access to care and a link to social rights.

Tuesday May 28: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Marsillargues market. Wednesday May 29: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in front of the health area Allée Baroncelli in Lunel.
In the presence of the DiabSat truck (examination of chronic complications of diabetes: retinal, renal, podiatric assessments and assessment of the risk of foot ulcers and arterial diseases in the lower limbs).

Thursday May 30: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Lunel market, in the presence of the DiabSat truck (read above).
Diabetes café, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., with loved ones of people with diabetes. A moment of advice, listening and sharing, supervised by health professionals to learn how to live better with the disease.

"For the first time, the floor will also be given to the patient's entourage as part of a Diabetes Café, informs Karine Boubekeur. Educating about screening is essential. But taking into account people who also experience the illness indirectly is just as important."

The politics of “Go to”

How important it is to include in these appointments a population that is often cut off from care for various reasons (loss of employment, financial or social difficulty, precariousness…).

It is also in this sense that the CPTS has developed a policy “of moving towards”. Towards the general population – because the disease affects everyone – but also towards people for whom access to care is more than delicate.

His intervention within the Espace Vauban medical hotline will also constitute a first during this 2024 screening and information campaign around diabetes.

Additional information and registration (recommended) on 06 52 70 93 43 and 07 49 67 12 12.
All the news from the CPTS on its website: I subscribe to read more

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