Aid, sovereignty, income, minimum wage, pesticides, competition… Gabriel Attal's announcements to farmers grouped into 5 points

Aid, sovereignty, income, minimum wage, pesticides, competition... Gabriel Attal's announcements to farmers grouped into 5 points

Gabriel Attal a listé les mesures. EPA – YOAN VALAT

Gabriel Attal a listé une série de mesures en compagnie du ministre de l'Agriculture Marc Fesneau, du ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire et du ministre de la Transition écologique Christophe Béchu, ce jeudi 1er février à Matignon.


To calm the anger of farmers and having recognized a certain number of errors in the face of the agricultural crisis, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced this Thursday, February 1 in Matignon a series of measures in the company of the Minister of Agriculture. ;Agriculture Marc Fesneau, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire and the Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu.

He nevertheless clarified that this work had been intense and that he considered it a major step", while trying to clear customs and detail that the situation had not arisen upon his appointment. "We couldn't respond to anger in two days.

He listed around fifteen measures grouped into a few points and the Ministers of Agriculture, the Economy and the Ecological Transition then completed the main points. This series of measures aims to defuse the crisis in the agricultural sector.

Even if he recognizes that the "cost" of the measures will be important, for him it is "above all, an investment which will also make it possible to support the activity economical".

Inscription of sovereignty to better recognize the profession of farmer

Gabriel Attal announced his wish to include the objective of food sovereignty in the law. "We want to be sovereign, sovereign to cultivate. Sovereigns to reap. Sovereigns to feed us.

Concretely, it will put in place a report published each year with the objectives to be achieved. Each sector will be concerned and will be coordinated.

He wishes to include in the rural code, agriculture as "fundamental interest of the nation&quot ;.

In order to protect farmers against abusive recourses with regard to neighborhood complaints, a proposed law on unrest neighborhood will be included on the Senate agenda.

Giving value back to food

The Prime Minister declared that he wanted "to restore value to our food". He specified that he wanted to oppose, among other things, "synthetic meat" requesting European regulations. "I would like us to have clear legislation on synthetic meat" in Europe.

He also wants to strengthen product labeling and he intends to "accelerate compliance with the Egalim law in collective catering and in canteens", in particular with the'objective of 20% organic.

Return income

The Prime Minister is committed to helping breeders. He announced that "social and fiscal"   support of 150 million euros will be  dedicated to breeders. "Starting this year and on a permanent basis"

He also assured that it was necessary to rework on the subject of pensions for farmers.

And to protect remuneration, he promised to "strengthen the Egalim law" < /em>so that farmers are not trapped with supermarkets and distributors.

By declaring: "The income of our farmers is dignity of our farmers. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire also specified that checks would be carried out and that " all major supermarket chains without exception" would be concerned and that there would be sanctions in the event of infractions.

The Minister of Agriculture added that the level of the minimum wage will be raised from 1.2 to 1.5 minimum wage for seasonal workers. The sector will also be recognized as "in tension" in terms of recruitment.

Protect against unfair competition

He then addressed the famous treaty of Mercosur, this free trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, rejected by French and European farmers which is supposed to provide for the reduction or elimination of customs duties on several food products. Gabriel Attal affirmed that this treaty would not be accepted: "It's clear, it's clear and it's firm".

He also wants to tackle Thiacloprid, a pesticide banned in Europe. "I have decided to immediately take a safeguard clause which prohibits imports treated with Thiacloprid."

He wishes to create a European control force to fight against health fraud, as well as the implementation with the&# 39;Ukraine safeguard clause on poultry.

Ensuring the renewal of generations

In order to facilitate the transmission of agricultural holdings to renew generations, a certain number of measures are proposed. < em>"When a farmer stops his activity, a young person must be able to take it over.

tax measures will be studied to facilitate transmissions, in particular "the raising of all thresholds exemption", said the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. The thresholds will be raised from 500,000 euros to 700,000 euros for transfers of individual businesses and from 1 million euros to 1.5 million for partial transfers.

The installation support budget "will increase from 13 at 20 million euros", adds the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau. A sum of two billion euros will be released in order to "allow loans for farmers who are setting up."

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