Amateur rugby trophies 34: Avant-Monts, Jacou, Gorges de l'Hérault… elect the best rugby school

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Avant-Monts, Jacou, Gorges de l'Hérault... elect the best rugby school

Elisez la meilleure école de rugby.

Midi Libre, the Hérault Departmental Rugby Committee and the Evelyne agency present the 3rd edition of the Hérault Amateur Rugby Trophies. Vote on until September 17, to elect your favorites in the 15 categories.
Today, it's time for the category: Best Rugby School. Discover all the results on October 4!

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Avant-Monts, Jacou, Gorges de l'Hérault... elect the best rugby school

This trophy is sponsored by RUGBY STORE.

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Avant-Monts, Jacou, Gorges de l'Hérault... elect the best rugby school


In a World Cup year in France, the 2023-2024 season has seen the development of many rugby schools in the department. The Avant-Monts are one of them.

“We went from 84 to 136 licensees at our rugby school, explains Sébastien Loubet, president of this structure attached to US Murviel-Thézan. The result of the global effect but also of the presence on the associations' forums.” From baby rugby to U14s, with an agreement with Bédarieux on this category, the Avant-Monts rugby school can count on around forty volunteers (educators, managers and parents who lend a hand).

"At the end of the season, we were able to organize a trip to Parc Spirou near Avignon", says Sébastien Loubet, who works jointly with Marjorie Guiraud, vice president.

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Avant-Monts, Jacou, Gorges de l'Hérault... elect the best rugby school


2~With over 600 members, RC Jacou is one of the clubs with the most members in the region. Its rugby school, which has nearly 250 members, is one of the strengths of the club in the north of Montpellier.

“We take care of children from 3 years old to under 14 years old”, explains Anne-Sophie Segonzac, co-president of RC Jacou, in charge of the rugby school and the youth center. With a team of about twenty volunteers in both sports and administration, the RCJMN is “keen to have one qualified educator for every 10 children", specifies Segonzac.

As for the objectives for the Jacoumard club, they are particularly focused on women's rugby. “We want to develop women's rugby at the rugby school to then later feed our senior women's teams", concludes the manager.

Amateur rugby trophies 34: Avant-Monts, Jacou, Gorges de l'Hérault... elect the best rugby school

Gorges de l'Hérault

In Aniane, a rugby school continues to grow, year after year: the Gorges de l’Hérault. “Last season we got 23 more members than the previous one, for a total of 76 players”, says Gaelle Etévé, president for two years, and at the club for five years. “We were able to benefit from the World Cup effect, let's hope the Olympics will have the same effect”, adds the manager.

There are about ten key workers working for children aged 3 to 13. "We are a small rugby school that we want to be family-oriented while respecting the values ​​of rugby. We also welcome children with disabilities by integrating them into the group", specifies the president.

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