Archery: ''I proved that I had my place'', says Victoria Sebastian, 20, French Elite champion

Archery: ''I proved that I had my place'', says Victoria Sebastian, 20, French Elite champion

''Je savais qu’en ayant l’esprit compétitif et en tirant mes flèches une à une, je pouvais aller chercher ce titre.'' FFTA

Titrée, la Nîmoise a fait une entrée fracassante dans le monde senior. Plus que prometteur.

Amélie Cordeau, French Elite champion (and U18 European champion) in 2022 at the age of 16, was certainly more precocious. But the resident of the Arc club of Nîmes Victoria Sebastian, French Elite champion at 20, on September 15 in Riom, wasted no time either. Last Wednesday, she devoted some of her time to looking back on her summer, her non-selection for the Games and discussing her future.

In the spring, if you had had to choose between being selected for the Paris Olympics and being named French Elite champion, what would you have chosen ?

I would have liked to do both (laughs). But if I had to choose, I would have taken the Games. The experience gained is incomparable to other competitions. However, that does not take away from the pleasure and experience that I was able to have, even without this Olympic achievement (4th in the selections, 3 archers selected for Paris).

For your last competition among the youth, you could not have dreamed of better than this title. How do you approach this new world ?

In fact, this title is more of a passage into the senior world. I have just finished my last year as a youth and there, it is a bit of a validation. I have proven that I have my place. Now, it will be able to go a little bit in the bacon (smile).

What is your view on this meteoric rise in your career ?

I have only been in the federal structure for three years. Every year, it evolves, a lot. If it continues to evolve like this during the next four years, we will be on the right track. This year, I worked quite hard to prepare for the Olympics.

What also consoled me for my non-selection was that afterwards, I knew that I still had a season with the youth to finish. I like being in this France group. We were European U21 champions by team (in July, 3rd individually).

And going from reigning French youth champion last year to senior champion this year, I think it's a great continuity. I was keen to finish well.

''At the Games, we were in the stands and we were able to see the French win''

What were “your” Games ?

As fourth, Nicolas (Bernardi) and I were invited to attend. We were in the stands and we were able to see the French win.

Disappointment swallowed for good ?

Yes. I take a lot of distance from that. I tell myself that I am young and that I still have plenty of Olympics to do.

What are your future goals ?

Resuming indoor competitions (Nîmes, in January), that is the secondary goal. The main thing will be outdoors: succeed in the selections for the French team, make the world cups and aim for the 2025 world championships in Gwangju, South Korea.

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