At Pont du Diable, we get a useful tan with the “Read on the Beach” operation

At Pont du Diable, we get a useful tan with the “Read on the Beach” operation

Books are available, free of charge, in front of the Maison du Grand Site Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT

At Pont du Diable, we get a useful tan with the “Read on the Beach” operation

Dans la boutique, de nombreux ouvrages ouvrent d'autres portes sur le territoire. Midi Libre – JEROME MOUILLOT

L’Opération lire à la plage bat son plein au Pont du Diable et complète l’offre culturelle de la Maison du Grand site des Gorges de l’Hérault.

Sunbathing usefully, at Pont du Diable it is possible. Because beyond the idleness, the swimming and the outdoor activities, the Tourist site of the Hérault Valley offers, literally, something to combine vacation and reading. Witness this desire to unite the two banks of relaxation, sport and culture, the Operation “Reading at the beach” authorizes the provision of books that can be borrowed free of charge from the display stand at the entrance to the Tourist Office of the Grand Site de France des Gorges de l'Hérault.

Take the time to read

Books from “weeding” in libraries. “Here, these are books that come from the Saint-Jean-de-Fos library. In the same way, we offer “Reading in the garden, at Argileum where we have installed deckchairs in the garden. The CCVH library network provides boxes of books, trying to guide them on the notion of earth, geology … But also, more broadly, the pleasure of reading “, explains Fabienne Barrère-Ellul, director of the OT. Works that can therefore be borrowed, or even kept, as long as users do not forget them on the Pont du Diable beach.“It's a bit like the book boxes that are increasingly available, but here, it's a bonus that we offer visitors.”

A cultural shop

A “little extra”, completed, in the cool of the premises of the Maison du Grand Site, by the cultural shop “which is structured between cultural products, local products and a wine library”. On the “bookstore” side, the Maison du Grand Site allows visitors to discover the Country through works written on the territory, often by local authors such as "La Pie de Saint-Guilhem, the tourist guide on the Hérault Valley that we have just published, specialized works on the Abbey, on Aniane, on the medieval period…" Not forgetting current events with the Midi Libre. The opportunity for holidaymakers who dive into the waters of Hérault to also immerse themselves in the flow of local news.

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