Belesa, an Alès cosmetic as beautiful as the Cévennes

Belesa, an Alès cosmetic as beautiful as the Cévennes

Amandine Colle, co-créatrice de Belesa avec Caroline Picard, absente car en vacances bien méritées… Midi Libre – STEPHANE BARBIER

Fidèles au principe du circuit court, forte de 25 références sur 300 points de vente, Caroline Picard et Amandine Colle poursuivent un objectif simple : devenir la première marque de terroir française.

Terroir! The expression smells of the language element peddled left, right and centre by advertising companies keen to stick to the spirit of the times.
In tune with the times, Amandine Colle, a formulator of cosmetic products, and Caroline Picard have no intention of hitting a false note. Their attachment to the Cévennes comes from their birth in these schist or granite lands and their desire to draw from the heart of them what they offer that is most precious. And best for women who care about the radiance of their beauty and their well-being. Reading the list of partners of the company Belesa, translation of belle in Cévenol, a cosmetics company created in 2019, winner of the Alès Audace prize having granted them a year's rent to spread their wings in their office in Pist Oasis (Alès), the terroir is definitely there…

The Cévennes […] are the ones who shaped the values ​​that are ours today…

Precious plants from Marie in Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort, chestnut from Vivianne Forestier in Sainte-Cécile-d’Andorge, sweet almond oil from Jean and Laurence at Mont Bouquet, honey from Vielvic in Saint-André-de-Capcèze… "Belesa is a balance between so-called “raw” products, from old recipes. In short, what has always been good and which are real gems of the country. On the other hand, pleasure cosmetic products, the fruit of the work of a formulator, which allows women to please themselves… ", explains Amandine Colle.

Caroline Picard, the alter ego

Belesa is above all a duo. Caroline Picard, Amandine Colle's alter ego, is in charge of the creative side, via packaging and iconography. But she is equally attached to the values ​​that Belesa is based on. “We are fighting not to lose our identity! Transparency from A to Z in manufacturing, authenticity with raw materials from the Cévennes, quality products at the right price." A duo of Cévennes to discover…

Thus in the catalog listing around thirty products, the Absolue Autentico balm, the “Swiss army knife” of the brand, rubs shoulders with the Sourel bronzing illuminator, a mixture of organic rose floral water…
The two women, concerned about ingredients that respect people and the environment, make local sourcing a rule. As much as possible. “Otherwise, it's “Made in France” but always with the concern of meeting ethical commitments”, continues Amandine Colle. Free from all sulfated surfactants, mineral or synthetic oils, phthalates and other ingredients that form a harmful cocktail effect, Belesa favors healthy products. In respect of this clientele that cares about themselves and the environment. Like this country that saw them grow up.
"In the Cévennes, I have the true feeling of being at home", concludes Amandine Colle. "We feel good, peaceful, rested, she explains. There is a notion of truth, we coexist with nature and we feel small in front of it. And indebted because they are the ones who have shaped the values ​​that are ours today…"

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