Black Bear Enjoys Plate of Pancakes on Dangerous, Busy Road: Fatally Hit by Car

Black Bear Enjoys Plate of Pancakes on Dangerous, Busy Road: Fatally Hit by Car

Pour préparer l’hibernation, les ursidés mangent et boivent abondamment durant cette période (illustration). Pixabay – ArtTower

Un ours noir a été heurté sur une route près du parc national des Great Smoky Mountains, ce mardi 1er octobre, selon le National Park Service.

This Tuesday, October 1, 2024, a motorist fatally hit a black bear in Tennessee, in the central-eastern United States, Sky News reports. A team of rescuers intervened the day after the incident to gather information on the animal. A few centimeters from its snout, a plate of pancakes was found half-eaten.

Autumn Binge Eating

Members of Appalachian Bear Rescue (ABR) National Park of the Great Smoky Mountains, were able to understand what had prompted him to come so close to a dangerous and busy road. ;: human food”, before completing : "With autumnal hyperphagia in full swing, the bear male probably saw pancakes as an easy and rich meal in calories". To prepare for hibernation, bears eat and drink abundantly during this period.

"Throwing food and garbage in wild places is dangerous not only for bears, but also for all other wild animals”, warned l’ABR.

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