Blockage of farmers: after the sub-prefecture, tractors visit two large areas blocking the A75

Blockage of farmers: after the sub-prefecture, tractors visit two large areas blocking the A75

Après avoir échangé avec le directeur du Super U de Lodève, c'est avec celui du Leclerc au Bosc que les manifestants ont présenté leurs revendications. Midi Libre – A.M.

Après leur manifestation matinale Lodévoise, les agriculteurs ont prolongé leur action ce jeudi 1er février après-midi. 

At the start of the afternoon, although some had returned home, around thirty tractors toured the two large areas of Lodévois, again in a calm manner.

After having coffee at the Super U at the entrance to town, they took the highway in snail mode between interchanges 54 (Lodève) and 53 (Le Bosc) to get to the Leclerc store. Causing several kilometers of traffic jams in the South-North direction.

The margins of mass distribution in the crosshairs

"The idea is like with the sub-prefect to share our problems with the two directors of the two large stores in Lodévois, in a calm manner. That’s the motto of the day." explains Puech winemaker Jérôme Brol.

Blockage of farmers: after the sub-prefecture, tractors visit two large areas blocking the A75

A slow operation in the afternoon on the A75 to reach interchanges 54 (Lodève) and 53 (Le Bosc). DR

The opportunity especially for breeders and producers to be seen and heard.

"We ask you, like all intermediaries, to reduce your margins otherwise we will no longer be able to do it. Be united and play the game" explains Julien Rossignol, cattle breeder from Gaec Saint-Euzèbe in Brenas in a discussion with Cédric Deymier, the director of Leclerc in front of his store. "We do this job out of passion. We just ask to be paid the right price to live with dignity. By asking for a base price. "You are powerful, if you step up to the plate, you can make things happen."

Standards and "Double standards" were also mentioned, with the example of Spanish cherries. "Forced with pesticides banned in France that we export while here we prohibit our producers from treating flies." recall several producers. "And that I won't even give to my animals" added Julien Rossignol .

"We sent our messages to everyone today, we're going home but we'll be monitoring this closely.& quot; concluded winemaker Sébastien Lugagne around 5:30 p.m. under the watchful eye of the gendarmes, also on the bridge since daybreak.

The farmers break camp, their day is over… earlier than usual!

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