“Breaking the loneliness of isolated people”: in Montpellier, a project of supportive cohabitation between young people and seniors

"Breaking the loneliness of isolated people": in Montpellier, a project of supportive cohabitation between young people and seniors

Le projet propose des baux de 12 mois renouvelables. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

Lancé il y a un an et demi par Info jeunes Occitanie en partenariat avec ACM Habitat, le dispositif "1, 2 et toit" met en colocation des moins de 30 ans avec des personnes âgées.

"It's like a traditional shared apartment, except that one of the two people is over 60 and the other is under 30." Jamila Baron, project manager at Info jeunes (CRIJ) Occitanie, explains how the "1, 2 and roof" system, set up a year and a half ago in Montpellier by this establishment, works.

"Since the system was launched, 12 pairs have been trained,", she says. Atypical pairs, because they are not two young people who form them but a senior and a student, , to create this type of cohabitation.


The platform is aimed in particular at young people with a study or professional training project, but the advantages are designed taking into account both sides: “the aim is to break the loneliness of isolated people”, says Jamila, because “it allows people to share meals together and have friendly moments”.

For students, there is the social interest of helping the elderly by doing tasks like "going shopping or taking out the trash from time to time", she says. "You have to be a little more careful and not make too much noise when you come home from a party, for example", but nothing too far removed from what is usually done in shared accommodation. “There are also young people who don't necessarily want to live with other students”, she adds.

Jamila says that she does two viewings to set up each pair: “First, I go and meet the senior to see if the apartment is good, then I go and see the young person to understand if their approach is serious.”

Rents between 200 and 230 euros

The “intergenerational” shared accommodation offered by Info jeunes are always ACM Habitat apartments, the largest landlord in the Metropolis. "These are 12-month renewable leases", assures Jamila. More economical than the average price of a room in Montpellier, “rents are offered between 200 and 230 euros”.

If everything goes well for both parties, students can stay with the same senior for the duration of their study project. Living together, a question of respect and good manners.

More information on the “1, 2 and roof” system on crij.org/fr/page/se-loger/1-2-et-toit-une-autre-facon-de-cohabiter.php. Tel.: 04 67 04 36 66. Email: jamila.baron@crij.org

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