Bursts of color and laughter in perspective this Saturday for the Lunel carnival

Bursts of color and laughter in perspective this Saturday for the Lunel carnival

500 kg of confetti will be distributed free of charge by the municipality. Midi Libre Archives

Children, parents, grandparents from Lunel and elsewhere are expected this Saturday, March 23, from 2 p.m. in front of Hugo Park for the start of the big parade in the heart of the city at 3 p.m.

Final crepe paper flowers, final touch to the costume, adjustment of her makeup model and the structure of the floats… There are households in Lunel who are living, these days, in view of the big carnival celebration which is looming, this Saturday, March 23, in the heart of the city.

The legend of Pescalune as a common thread

In the memory of Pescalunes and Lunellois, it has been many years since a demonstration of this kind, if not in schools, had brightened up the streets of Lunel.

Relaunched by the municipality – elected official Sonia Mokaddem and deputy director of the sport, youth and community life department Jennifer Lequet in the lead – the meeting promises bursts of color and laughter. Both in the ranks of the children and in those of their parents, their grandparents and even outsiders who are also invited to make the party even bigger.

Come as you are!

Especially since the common thread is the legend of Pescalune – for this first edition and for all those to come – you come as you are! Cowboys, princesses, superheroes… will be just as welcome as the costumes which will recall the story of the moon fisherman.

Several highlights, which the surprise effect prevents us from divulging, will punctuate the parade which will leave at 3 p.m. (public reception from 2 p.m.) in front of the entrance of Jean-Hugo Park.

It will head to Place de la République, then the Statue of Liberty roundabout, to take Boulevard de la République, Rue de Verdun, Avenue Victor-Hugo, boulevard Lafayette, rue Marx-Dormoy, rue Sadi-Carnot and finally de la Libération to return to the municipal park around 5:30 p.m.

Music, corso, flashmobs

Everything will be enhanced, during and after the corso, with music, flash mobs, a bodega and other friendly moments provided by the city's associations. Note that the municipality purchased… 500 kg of confetti which will be distributed free of charge to carnival-goers. It's going to rain with joy this Saturday in downtown Lunel.

Information and contacts: Sports, youth and community life service on 04 67 87 83 25 and by email at vie-associative@ville-lunel.fr

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