CAF: RSA, activity bonus, APL… which departments will experiment with solidarity at source ?

CAF: RSA, activity bonus, APL... which departments will experiment with solidarity at source ?

Attention, certains de vos revenus ne seront pas pré-remplis. MAXPPP – Nicolas Kovarik

Cette automne plusieurs départements français vont tester la solidarité à la source. Le point sur cette nouvelle expérimentation.

The solidarity at source promised by President Emmanuel Macron in 2022 is coming this fall.

Four family allowance funds (CAF) will experiment with automatic pre-filling of income declarations to facilitate access to aid.

Which departments are concerned ?

This project aims to combat fraud, but also non-recourse. The principle is to simplify the procedures for applying for and renewing certain social benefits paid by the family allowance fund (CAF).

From this date, Aube, Alpes-Maritimes, Hérault and Pyrénées-Atlantiques will test the simplification of the quarterly declaration of resources submitted by holders of the active solidarity income (RSA) and the activity bonus.

As part of this experiment, the net social amount corresponding to some of your income will be pre-filled by the CAF. It includes salaries, the return-to-work assistance allowance (ARE) paid by France Travail, daily allowances paid by Social Security, and a disability pension.

What will change for you?

Set by a decree and an order, published on July 5 and 8 in the Official Journal, this experiment should begin on October 1.

When you file your quarterly declaration on your personal space on the CAF website, you will need to check the data entered and correct or delete it if there is an error.

You will then be informed "of the need to modify the pre-filled information" that you consider "erroneous or incomplete" and you will be invited to "complete" the document "by adding the resources that are not included not", specifies article 1 of the decree. 

Please note that some of your income will not be pre-filled, such as alimony or self-employed income. You will have to enter it yourself. 

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