CASE. Occitanie wants to be a pilot region to allow treatment without abandoning your animal

CASE. Occitanie wants to be a pilot region to allow treatment without abandoning your animal

La question a été soulevée par les SDF. JEAN-MICHEL MART

Presented at the request of the regional health agency last January, the initiative is making headway. Didier Jaffre, director of the ARS, will launch a call for projects to develop solutions for caring for animals while their owners are hospitalized.

Last January, during the wishes of the regional health agency, the announcement made the audience smile. However, it is the very serious question of renouncing care, for lack of a solution to keep your cat or dog, that Didier Jaffre, director of the ARS, wants to resolve.

In the coming days, the ARS will launch a call for projects with a budget, to bring out ideas. They will perhaps make Occitanie a pilot region on the problem. "It's under construction, we are trying to find solutions", confirms André Guinvarch to France Assos santé Occitanie, who reports the genesis of the project: "In a meeting, a speaker who had lived on the street raised this issue". < /p>

A reflection then begins with ATD Quart-Monde, this is the operation "Two looks for a treatment".< /p>

The SPA has no space

Today, the ARS does not want to limit it to the problem of the homeless, and extend it to people alone with their animal, and/or elderly.

What to do with the dog, cat or rabbit in the home ? "We are not going to create a kennel in every hospital", reassures André Guinvarch, who is working on solutions with the ARS. "We approached kennels, but they don't operate 24 hours a day", he notes.
The SPA, if it deplores the situation, also closes the door: "I find it unacceptable that people cannot be hospitalized for this reason, and I am pleased that the SPA The State is considering support, but for us, it won't be a question of money, we don't have space", says the Montpellier director , Annie Benezech.

"Currently, we are working on the subject with the Toulouse and Montpellier University Hospitals to try to move this issue forward. Maybe they will end up finding solutions, hopes André Guinvarch.

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