Convicted of having committed violence against his friend and his mother-in-law in Montpellier

Convicted of having committed violence against his friend and his mother-in-law in Montpellier

The defendant was recently tried at the Montpellier criminal court. Free Midi – RICHARD DE HULLESSEN

A young Montpellier resident was sentenced to eight months in prison for violence that occurred against the backdrop of the separation of a couple.

24 years old, H. doesn't stop moving and talking in the defendant's box. Above all, he seems not to realize the seriousness of the acts committed against the woman who was his partner, on July 13 and 14, in Montpellier.

After consuming narcotics and medication throughout the night, he slapped and kicked his friend, pulling her hair and breaking two of her nails. He had also pushed his mother-in-law. It took the arrival of the father-in-law, then the police, to control him.

These events took place against the backdrop of a breakup, the young woman no longer supporting the violence from the man with whom she had been living for five years. "I had noticed bruises on my daughter's legs on several occasions," the mother said. H. had called his ex's work to get revenge after the breakup.

"He needs a helping hand"

For some incomprehensible reason, the complaints filed by the two victims were only followed by a referral to the courts eight months later, in March. "After a scene of extreme violence I find this particularly disturbing", exclaimed the lawyer for the two women.

"In police custody, H. filmed himself before posting his videos on social networks!", informed the victims' lawyer, noting "the gentleman’total incapacity to question himself".

"I'm on antidepressants, I’I'm trying to stop narcotics", said H., hosted by his brother since December. "He needs an outstretched hand of justice", pleaded his lawyer, recalling that the young man had been very affected by deaths in his family, including that of his mother.

The court applied the sentence requested by the prosecutor: eight months suspended prison sentence, with obligation to work or train, provide care, ban on contact with the victims, obligation to compensate the Public Treasury and civil parties.

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