COP1-Student Solidarity distributions, a valuable aid for Montpellier students

COP1-Student Solidarity distributions, a valuable aid for Montpellier students

Part of the COP1 Montpellier team that was mobilized this Saturday. ML – GR

Once a week, the association offers free distributions of food and hygiene products to those under 26, in downtown Montpellier.

This Saturday, September 7, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 230 young people came to collect a basket containing food and hygiene products, in a room of the Écusson. This free distribution provided by Cop1-Solidarités Étudiantes was reserved for people registered on the internet.

“We've been distributing to students for a year and a half, once a week, explains Jade El Ayadi Gaouaou, vice-president of COP1 Montpellier. Every time, it's full in ten or fifteen minutes. We can't meet all the requests.”

Because beyond students, all young people under 26 are welcomed. COP1 has 200 volunteers in Montpellier and mobilizes a dozen per distribution.

"The idea is to offer a basket that covers several meals, continues Jade. We offer fruits and vegetables, products that are extremely expensive and that are supplied to us by a network of solidarity producers. For the rest, we are supplied by the Food Bank or by individuals, we also collect from supermarkets."

"There really is everything"

Marie*, 21, originally from the north of France, has just moved to the city to study law. "I don't regret coming, because there really is everything. It allows me to live for a few days without spending too much, with balanced meals. My budget mainly goes towards the rent of 500 €."

"I discovered the distribution last year, with friends, says Julie*, 23, in her final year of architecture. I try to come once a month, just to get fresh produce and sanitary protection. I know that on Mondays at 5 p.m., I have to look on Instagram to sign up. It's in the city center and it's very convenient. Plus, we're welcomed with a smile. For the rest, I try to save money. I eat lunch at school."

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(*) First names have been changed.

Cop1 is one of the five associations supported at the national level by ZEvent, a charity project whose objective is to collect several million euros in donations through streaming, this weekend.

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