CPF: find out how much you will now have to pay if you want to benefit from training

CPF: find out how much you will now have to pay if you want to benefit from training

Les salariés vont devoir payer 10 % pour effectuer des formations avec le CPF. MAXPPP – Bruno Levesque

With a view to achieving 10 billion euros in savings this year, the State is looking for solutions. Thus, employees will have to pay a "flat rate contribution" to benefit from the personal training account (CPF).

This is a small revolution for the personal training account (CPF). The Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts, Thomas Cazenave, announced, Monday February 19, the establishment from 2024 of a flat-rate participation of employees in the CPF account, within the framework of the 10 billion additional savings planned this year and announced Sunday evening by Bruno Le Maire.

"This flat-rate participation will be implemented this year, which will allow us to generate 200 million euros in savings out of a total of 2 billion&quot ;, Thomas Cazenave told the press, referring to a measurement "just" and "necessary" in a difficult context for public finances. A decree is planned for April, a specified the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Thus, employees should pay a remainder of 10% of the price of training, with the exception of job seekers , according to Bercy.

"Discuss with social partners"

The remainder payable by the employee who uses their personal training account (CPF) will be far from the 20% to 30% of the cost of training, mentioned a few weeks ago by the government.

But be careful, France Info reports that the Minister of Labor Catherine Vautrin "will wish , whatever the final position of the government, discuss it with the social partners. Which thus assumes that the modalities mentioned by Minister Thomas Cazenave n' have not yet been definitively established and that they could evolve.

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