D-100 Paris 2024 Olympic Games: “I’m having a little trouble planning ahead”, Kevin Mayer’s confession

D-100 Paris 2024 Olympic Games: “I’m having a little trouble planning ahead”, Kevin Mayer’s confession

Kevin Mayer devrait tenter de se qualifier à nouveau fin mai début juin. MAXPPP – Li Ming

Best chance of a medal for French athletics, the Montpellier player is still not qualified 100 days before the start of the Olympic Games.

Kevin Mayer is a man of his word. Contacted several weeks ago to play the guests of honor at D-100, the Montpellier athlete could have walked away.
Despite his enormous record, the decathlon world record holder is still not qualified for the Olympic Games. Hindered by a thigh, he gave up during his last attempt to obtain the minimums. It was in San Diego at the end of March.
Back on his feet, he is now planning what comes next. Without shaking. Mayer loves the Olympics too much to miss out on the competition of his life.

How have you been since returning from San Diego?

It's okay, we're quite satisfied with my level on the track following the 100 m of my “decaf” aborted in San Diego. It’s always pleasant and a good sign to make a good start to this event. The 100 m is a bit like the benchmark event for the “deca”, if it goes to the 100 m, the “deca” should follow. So reassured about that, about the state of form. Afterwards there inevitably begins to be a little pressure in relation to the “qualif”. We would have liked everything to be more fluid, but that's how it is, we take things as they are, we remain lucid about it all without getting caught up in the issue.< /p>

What have you done since?

I continued physical preparation, returning to athletics 5 or 6 days after I left. So nothing special. The “prep” continue and at the same time we try to understand where my thigh discomfort could come from to avoid the same scenario during my next “decaf”.

Where are you going to get your qualification?

We preferred not to target a single “decaf”. My team identified 5 or 6 in May and June. The organizations are notified as soon as I feel perfectly capable of cashing out a “decaf” without risk of physical glitches, “let’s go”.
The main goal is always to finish this “decaf” of “qualif” without creating physical debt for the “deca” Games.

We are 100 days away from the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games? What inspires you?

As I said, there is starting to be a little pressure building around my “qualif” because it’s still a decathlon, we’re never sure of anything. Obviously, the story would not be the same if I only had to do a race or a throw to qualify (laughs). But that’s the beauty of “decaf” ; ten times more uncertainty, ten times more difficulty for ten times more pleasure.
So for the moment I admit to having a little difficulty planning for the event, and this will be the case until I am qualified. But apart from my personal case, it's crazy to think that we are only 100 days away from these Games at home. We've been talking about it for so long, I campaigned for these Games almost 10 years ago… In short, it’s incredible how quickly time flies.

Where were you at the same time before London, Rio or Tokyo ?

Before London I must have been at a decathlon in Cannes where I achieved my first 8,000 (8,078 points I think). Before Rio, I was in Florence where I tried to do the minimums but I stopped after the weight. And before Tokyo, I was in great shape, I was doing the best training of my life. And two weeks later, I broke my calf.

Are the Olympics above everything ? Above your world titles ? Above your world record&nbsp ;?

I don't know if we can say that it's above everything, we'll say that it has another flavor. It’s the biggest global event, the best athletes from all countries, from all disciplines come together in the same place to try to win this dream of an Olympic medal. It’s every four years… The rarity and intensity of this competition truly make it a unique moment, broadcast around the world and followed by billions of viewers. This perhaps has another flavor for decathletes and heptathletes too, I think.
Our discipline is the heir to the pentathlon of the ancient Roman games, so there is this little historical nod which transcends even more. And from a more general point of view, athletics is recognized as the first Olympic sport, so for any athlete, the Olympics are the Holy Grail.

What surprised you the most during your three participations ? Are all the Olympics the same ?

The Games are not all the same but there is one thing that does not change: the tension in the Olympic village. Everyone is so focused, ready to fight… the atmosphere is electric.
For London, it was the atmosphere in the city that surprised me, everything breathed the Games. There was a sort of joyful atmosphere that was quite difficult to describe, everyone seemed to really enjoy the event. I hope we can relive that in Paris.

We talk a lot about the last bearer of the flame, the bearers of the flag. What are your favorites, your prediction ?

Quite honestly, I remain quite distant from all that and haven't really followed the debates, if there are any. But from a personal point of view I would say Mélina (Robert-Michon) for all that her career represents in terms of work, self-sacrifice and passion (and also for her kindness) and Nikola Karabacic for all that ;rsquo;he accomplished. Without forgetting Pauline Ferrand-Prévot, Florent Manaudou, Renaud Lavillenie…

Are you going to apply (to be the standard bearer) ?

Listen, we're already going to try to qualify for the Games and then we'll deal with the flag-bearing subject (laughs). Everyone has their own motivations and above all everyone experiences their approach to competition differently.
Knowing myself a little, I imagine that this would mobilize too much energy for me and I don't see myself pursuing two objectives at the same time.
Flag bearer is an honor, a happiness surely, but also a responsibility. I will ask myself the question once qualified but I don't see myself campaigning, we'll see.
It’s obvious that it’s a great honor to be the flag bearer at home, it must be crazy… but hey, you already have to be qualified!

On May 13 in Montpellier, you will carry the flame home. What does it represent?

I have the impression that it’s going to be a great moment of sharing around the values ​​of Olympicism, with people coming from all walks of life, coming just to enjoy it and live this incredible tradition of the Olympic flame.
Especially very happy for the children who will be able to attend this torch parade. I have incredible memories when I was a little athlete arriving with the torch in a stadium to light the cauldron, I experienced it like a film…
And I tell myself that the kids who will see this flame pass in real life, who will see it again in 100 days on TV, will perhaps remember it for the rest of their lives. The value of this type of symbol should not be minimized, especially for children.
Moreover, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the city of Montpellier as well as its Metropolis for allowing the passage of the flame. It’s certainly an investment but the dreams of kids and the horizon that it can open up are priceless.

What are you thinking about right now while you shave in the morning ?

To be better than the day before. This is really what motivates me every day, discovering a technical point in an event, finding a particular intention in a particular event, being better at a particular “muscu” versus the last session…
I am convinced that it is through constant painstaking work that great performances are born.

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